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Uncovering the Mystery of Anxiety
Cannabis & Red Clover Extract
Citation:   Mary jane. "Uncovering the Mystery of Anxiety: An Experience with Cannabis & Red Clover Extract (exp96230)". Sep 19, 2019.

  oral Vitamins / Supplements (daily)
In the last year or so I have started to notice extreme anxiety when smoking cannabis. Seeing as I work on a medical grow farm and have a card, the substance that used to help me tremendously started to induce extreme anxiety
the substance that used to help me tremendously started to induce extreme anxiety
(starting off at first as dysphoria racing thoughts and unbearable shoulder tension).

As I am an experienced college student, I started doing intense researching; desperately searching for anything and everything that might help, alleviate, and in the end completely prevent the anxiety and panic attacks that I had set out to cure. I found so many things in my quest. Trying kava kava, GABA, 5 htp, natural l-dopa from velvet beans, xanax, alcohol, ect ect ect. That was when I stopped searching for substances and started getting to the nitty gritty. I studied deep inside the human brain, and how it interacts with marijuana.

It didn't take me long till I stumbled upon biochanin a, found naturally in red clovers, which is a naturally occurring faah inhibitor that scientists are currently researching in hopes to create something with similar qualities.

I ordered a red clover extract, with guaranteed up to 18 mg of biochanin a per tablet. I have been taking them 2x a day for the last month, and at first I was a little panicky, but then I realized this was just my brain connecting the pot with panic, without any physiological reason. Obviously a learned response of my brain. And after this extract had been circulating in my body for about a week, I could eat all the pot I wanted, smoke all I wanted, etc. it put me at ease like never before! A new high! I Noticed more then anything that my shoulder and neck tension is gone. I am a new me, anxiety free.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96230
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 19, 2019Views: 665
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Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Not Applicable (38)

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