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Short Yet Enjoyable
Metaxalone (Skelaxin)
Citation:   Logan. "Short Yet Enjoyable: An Experience with Metaxalone (Skelaxin) (exp96248)". Jul 10, 2013.

800 mg oral Pharms - Metaxalone
*I advise no one to take random medication you find or have been given, I was not in the right mind set to make a clear decision.

That being said I found some Skelaxin at my friends house, his mom was away for the weekend so I decided to research it and make a decision on whether or not to take this mysterious medication I found. 10 minutes of researching, I decide I would take them and see what was going to happen so I proceeded to pop 800mg and wait.

30 minutes in, I start to feel the first effect's. I started feeling very warm. It felt like someone was giving me a hug, cuddling me with love and warmth. It started to peak, feeling slightly euphoric. About an hour in I decide to take a shower. My walking was very strange, It was sort of like I was intoxicated but without the instability. (hard to explain)

After the shower I started to feel like the effects were wearing off, my stomach started to ache and I felt nauseous but never ended up vomiting which I read people do on this medication.

In all I don't regret taking Skelaxin, it was enjoyable but short, the comedown I felt tired and a bit sick though.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 10, 2013Views: 9,019
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Pharms - Metaxalone (244) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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