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One of My First Excursions Into Inner Space
Citation:   Moving Tree. "One of My First Excursions Into Inner Space: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp9625)". Oct 25, 2001.

1 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I'm about 15 years old and attending an all boy's boarding school for allegedly emotionally disturbed adolescents in Connecticut. I read about the use of nutmeg by prisoners. Having read some of Ram Dass and Castaneda, I am interested in the use of psychedelics for spiritual and mystical purposes.

7 pm (T+0) - I mix a tablespoon of ground McCormick's nutmeg into a glass of water. I hold my nose and drink it. Disgusting!

10 pm (T+3) - Nothing has happened. I assume nothing will. I go to bed.

2 am (T+12) - I wake up hallucinating. I see a great object that's a cross between the letter T, a tricycle and the number 4.

About 4 am (T+14) - I go back to sleep.

Subtle psychoactive effects last for 3 days.

I realize that nutmeg reaches its peak effect in about 7 hours, and that subtle after-effects last for three days.

Still to come: accounts of higher dosages.

Nutmeg is real. And it's on your granma's shelf.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9625
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Oct 25, 2001Views: 15,080
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), General (1)

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