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Better Than Two Hydrocodone
Kratom & Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   feelinggood. "Better Than Two Hydrocodone: An Experience with Kratom & Sceletium tortuosum (exp96318)". Erowid.org. Jun 2, 2021. erowid.org/exp/96318

T+ 0:00
2.5 mg oral Hydrocodone
  T+ 0:00 250 mg oral Acetaminophen
  T+ 2:00 2.5 mg oral Hydrocodone
  T+ 2:00 250 mg oral Acetaminophen
  T+ 4:00 0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam
  T+ 5:30 1 g insufflated Sceletium tortuosum
  T+ 6:30 2 tablets oral Pharms - Ibuprofen
  T+ 6:30 1 g insufflated Sceletium tortuosum
  T+ 8:00 2.50 g oral Kratom
  T+ 8:00 1 g oral Kratom
34yo male 6' 170lbs. I take 4-8 10/5 lortab per day and mix with soma and about a quarter of a 2mg xanax (alprazolam) for sleep. Occasionally smoke cigarettes and rarely smoke pot. I have been taking opiates for 6-7yrs for pain (mental and physical). Everything from tylenol3 to heroin. I have in the past tried a certain sticky-purple brand of kratom from my local headshop to avoid withdrawals. I can say it wasn't that great, however, it did help with withdrawals but cost approx $30 for a single dose. I've been reading about and studying all the diff tipes of kratom available and finally decided to order a 'super sampler' all types of kratom and Kanna (no extracts) from a cheap and reputable company online. I burned through my monthly lortab script and had no other means to re-up.

Woke up approximately 10am with 2 lortabs left. 12pm took half lortab. 2pm checked the mail and still nothing. Took half a lortab ate a slice of pizza and tried to relax. Approximately 4pm still no mail, decided to take quarter xanax. 5:30pm package arrived. I quickly dissected the package and did a little more research. Immediately sorted approximately 1gram of Kanna and proceeded to insufflate.

After about 10min began to feel great, sort of like taking a small dose opiate (sorry not much experience with other substances to compare this with). 6:30 felt very minor headache took 2 ibuprofen and another 1g of kanna. Went to the store still feeling great and returned approx 8pm with minor aches and pains. No food in stomach, decided to take the Kratom (RED VEIN RIAU powder) Sorted out approx 2.5 grams (not exactly sure 'spilt' some of the powder trying to weigh). About 10 min later decided to take approx 1 gram of (GREEN RIAU powder).

Approximately 20-30 min into experience began to feel as if I had taken 2hydrocodone 10/5. Not high, but feeling good, happy, and no pain. Feeling slightly intensified for about 1hour then leveled off. Felt very relaxed and energized, willing and content to do things I normally wont even do. Experience lasted about 6hrs with very gradual come-down. No intense desire to immediately take more, might try more kanna, but I'm currently writing this. Still feeling good.

I can find 1month kratom online cheaper than a monthly lortab script. Feeling no withdraws from either herb....cant yet give detailed prolonged use report.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96318
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Jun 2, 2021Views: 1,905
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Kratom (203), Sceletium tortuosum (179) : Alone (16), Addiction & Habituation (10), Combinations (3), General (1)

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