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Too Much To Handle Stay on Your Level
Alcohol (Vodka & Tequila)
Citation:   Denae A.. "Too Much To Handle Stay on Your Level: An Experience with Alcohol (Vodka & Tequila) (exp96395)". Feb 12, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard
Okay so I’m going to talk about my experience with alcohol. It was a Friday night and I was bored out of my ass. I have this best friend named Sylvia who I did everything with! She called me to come over , she said she had a bottle of tequila and vodka for me her, her sister Sara and our friend Dani. I was happy because I had experience with beer and I liked the feeling, I didn’t have experience with liquor though.

Little did I know beer and liquor are TWO DIFFERENT things with different effects. So we all walk to a nearby park by her house a park that were always at. She brings out the tequila and vodka along with some shot glasses. She said the vodka was nasty, but I told her I would be able to drink it because I liked it, it was easy to drink, I drank a lot of the bottle.

I started feeling a head change immediately. We were having a good time though. She started pouring shots of tequila for us to drink. We all drank them. But I noticed it was just me and Sylvia that were drinking no one else. So we started drinking more and more. I remember thinking well I’ve gotten drunk with Sylvia many times before so this wont be any different but boy I was all wrong. All I remember saying was I never been so drunk before and by then I was stumbling everywhere and falling. I could barely open my eyes. I woke up the next day in a hospital!! I would never forget this day. As I opened my eyes I had no idea where I was. I kept saying to myself please don’t say I got drunk please don’t say I got drunk.

I turned my head to only see my mom staring right at me. I can see all the hurt and worry in her eyes. It was the worst feeling I could feel. Seeing your mom look at you like that as your lying their on the Hospital Bed. I still felt drunk. My whole family was so disappointed in me and my mom couldn’t even look at me. I cried for about 2 days. I didn’t remember anything from that night. Just the scene where I said I never been so drunk before. I talked to Sylvia so I can try and remember. This is what she says happened. She said I got so drunk they couldn’t help me up, I couldn’t walk. I was unconscious. They thought I was dead or I wasn’t breathing. They got scared, so scared. Dani left. Sylvia's sister called their other sister Ana who was 19 at the time. She came but didn’t know what to do, so they called their mom. Their mom came and got scared so called 911, and then my mom. When my mom came I was already in the ambulance. My mom said she didn’t know what to think. I was hooked onto IVs. The paramedics thought I was on drugs and thought I had been raped. So did my mom. But thank God neither of those assumptions were true. They were also going to arrest all of us but decided it should be a lesson learned. Although it might not seem as bad trust me it was! Sylvia was my best friend since 4th grade and I was no longer to see her. We were in 10th grade when this happened. I was no longer to see her or go over. I lost a very good friend over a stupid mistake and a dumb choice.

But worse then that I almost lost my life to alcohol poisoning. What am trying to say is when drinking you have to be smart about it. Don’t drink to get drunk. Stay on your level. Don’t drink with just anyone. Because what happened to me could easily happen to anyone. Just imagined if I was at a party or something, they wouldn’t have called 911, the people would probably freak it and just leave me their like Dani did. Or I could have been raped. I had no control of myself and had no idea what was happening. And honestly that’s no fun. So when you decide to drink or get drunk make sure your with people who care about you and people who will take care of you.

This was a life changing experience it really was. I believe it was God's way of telling me I need to stop getting drunk every weekend or something. I stopped for a while I said I would never drink again in my life. But I’m young and stupid so I drank again. But no hard liquor! Just be careful out their. Society is evil.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 96395
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Feb 12, 2018Views: 1,257
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Alcohol (61) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Post Trip Problems (8), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27)

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