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Definitely Past the Point of Placebo
Kava & Valerian
Citation:   Enzor. "Definitely Past the Point of Placebo: An Experience with Kava & Valerian (exp96400)". Apr 7, 2018.

T+ 0:00
4.5 g oral Kava (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 530 mg oral Valerian (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:22 1800 mg oral Kava (pill / tablet)
My First Experimentation With Kava Kava

3:50 - Dosed ten 450mg Kava kava root pills and three 530mg valerian root pills

3:54 - Light hearted feeling but it's likely just excitement to see what the kava kava does. I've tried valerian root before and I like the blurry feel it gives to things.

4:00 - Slight change of headspace that lasted for about 15 seconds. Closing my eyes feels quite good.

4:17 - Well, it's definitely past the point of placebo. My fingers feel a bit heavier trying to type this out. I feel very relaxed as if I'm drunk but I can still clearly. I could easily ignore the effects at this intensity if I wanted to, but if I focus on them they seem to grow stronger.

4:22 - I feel slightly euphoric and my muscles feel very relaxed. Took 4 more kava kava pills.

4:31 - I think I have already reached the peak, as the effect are leveling out regardless of taking a few more pills. It's a very relaxing herb. I wouldn't call it recreational though. Perhaps in larger doses. I'm not sure if I'll try it again or Kratom next. Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds are in the mail too so that will be the very next thing on my agenda. I may save these for a trip to California I have coming up to make the ride more comfortable (I won't be the driver.)

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 7, 2018Views: 1,456
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Kava (30) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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