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My New Therapy
Citation:   Kalen. "My New Therapy: An Experience with Kava (exp96529)". Feb 9, 2023.

750 - 1250 mg oral Kava
My New Therapy Is Kava

My first experience with Kava root being a few days ago has now turned into three straight days with nothing but positive results to report. Each day I've consumed somewhere between 750mg to 1,250mg or 1.25gm taken in a twenty-four hour period lasting about 4-6hours sometimes up to 8hours. I've been depressed and anxiety ridden for the past 5 years. From being prescribed Aripiprazole to Sertraline and Citalopram. I'd either be too tired or have mood swings that were to severe for me to even consider continuing my therapy on these two classifications of anti-psychotic / antidepressants medications. At one point my physician prescribed Lorazepam and even though that would help with my anxiety issues I hated coming down from it and any dosage lower than 1mg had little to not effect at all.

To my amazement after taking Kava on a regular schedule and altering the dosage for the past three days, my depression has gone down considerably, my anxiety is no longer, and I now carry myself more confidently. To add to that when I've personally come down from it I've had very little to no withdrawal symptoms. Also when waking up the next morning I feel invigorated and refreshed. I only wish I would have discovered this for myself five years ago. Though there have been reports of hepatotoxicity (damaging of the liver) in very high dosages, I am determined to find a dosage that is right for me in order to begin a therapy for my depression/anxiety. One thing that I have noticed at day three is that the child-like sense of wonder is back that I used to have when discovering something for the first time.

I have used both Vanuatu and Fiji strains of Kava both having the same affects though the Vanuatu is more potent and the effects were more noticable in lower dosages than that of the Fiji strain. I will say that the effects at my current dosage listed above come in waves and have a very short interval in between each wave of the felt effects. There are a couple of more strains than what I have mentioned though have not tried as of yet.

I am extremely pleased with my first Kava experience and am ever so satisfied with the results.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 9, 2023Views: 343
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Kava (30) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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