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Quid Method Worked Very Well
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue, B. caapi & D. cabrerana)
Citation:   Julzeye. "Quid Method Worked Very Well: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue, B. caapi & D. cabrerana) (exp96537)". Feb 21, 2018.

3 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  3 g oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
  4 leaves oral Diplopterys cabrerana (leaves)
Ayahuasca Quid Method

This experience was simply to get a feel of ayahuasca and the effect from its onset. I chose peganum harmala principally because I have used it before.

My first try with Diplopterys + Peganum had brought me good result with almost no nausea. I brewed 3g of harmala seeds then chewed and swallowed the 3 to 4g of leaves (dried) 1 hour after. It yielded very good results. Ecstatic feelings and great lightness in similarity to what I have lived with nitrous oxide.

The second time I used the same amount of harmala seeds (3g) with another 3g of yellow banisteriopsis caapi. I brewed it in 300ml of water for about 30 minutes on low to medium heat. This was drunk in 15 minutes. Effects came close to 30 minutes later, probably less.

I placed 3 leaves (2.5 in by 5 in) in a pan and pour about a spoonful of water over then to moisten a little. This made much easier to chew the juices without drying the mouth so much. Like the first time, I rolled a leaf at a time and chewed on it. The difference was I did this till all the bitterness was out of the leaf material and then spat it out instead of swallowing as I've tried before. About 10 minutes into the chew I felt the effects coming fast. One leaf was added to the 3 just to make sure I went a little farther down the road than my previous experience.

Nausea was almost nil and stomach pain were not present at all. I was thinking the plateau would come fast and recede as quickly but that was my surprise, it went on to about 1h30 min before I attained the top. Throughout that time many waves flooded my mind and body, much more intense than I remembered. The ecstatic feeling was partially present and yet very different than I remembered. Most of the coming up was concentrated on breathing and relaxing. Laying down with closed eyes seems to make me fly so much farther while opening them left a feeling of light alienation. Patterns were on the verge of forming while I observed my surrounding but my pleasure was my inner world.

This experience brought me exactly what I was searching for. It surpassed lightly the first try I've had with ayahuasca and also brought something different to the table which may have been in relation to the banisteriopsis added or the fact of spitting out the diplopterys. The quid method works very well and doesn't necessitate that boiling for many hours of the leaf material or even the destruction of the alkaloids.

Just to be precise, the juice of the plant was swallowed, this was not a sublingual intake! From beginning to end the second try lasted 4 hour while 2 were most intense.

I plan to live a full blown ayahuasca session very soon while I am in Peru.

Thank you for reading

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96537
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 2,367
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Huasca Combo (269), Syrian Rue (45), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Diplopterys cabrerana (157) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3)

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