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And It Begins
Citation:   Bosho. "And It Begins: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp96561)". Apr 11, 2019.

4 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked DMT (plant material)
I had been a regular user of DMT for around 1 year when this experience changed my outlook on if we are alone in this universe.

A few friends and I got hold some tabs and decided to get a bit messy one evening. The LSD was a lot stronger than I expected, that saying we had a great night. It was around 10 am and I told my mates R and P that I was heading in to my room for a hit of DMT [0.3 herb mix]. I have always done DMT by myself, no distractions, I feel this is the way the DMT wants me too, just one on one. So as I sat on the edge of my bed wondering if I could make a real connection with this drug, if I would ever get past those geometrical patterns like I had heard so many people speak about.

I smoked my cone, I layed back on my bed and nothing happened, no feeling, no visuals, I did no what to make of this. So I sat up and packed another cone. As I took the hit I layed down and the scariest 10 seconds of my life was about to hit me, it almost felt like something shot down my throat, I could not breath, my wind pipe was completely closed, I sat up starting to panic, I proceded to try to clear what was stopping me from breathing. All of a sudden I discarded the phlegm which was blocking my throat on to my hand and thats when my life changed.

In the corner of my room appeared a energy, but every time I went to look at it, it would move behind me, this went on for about a minute back and forth. Then my hand which had the phlegm on it looked like it had detached from the elbow down and started moving faster and faster, picture a clock face it would move from 12 then the 9 then the 6 then the 3 and so on, by the time it stopped the phlegm was gone nothing was left on my hand at all.

Then this energy put its head against mine and I was travelling through a valley of visuals, eyes open through this whole experience, this lasted around 1 minute and then the energy was sucked back in to this vortex that was spiraling above me and then it all ended.

That was 5 years ago. Since then I have found out who she was and where she was going in this ocean of chaos and yet the question still remains. How deep does this rabbit hole go????

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 96561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 11, 2019Views: 783
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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