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Citation:   S. Shelton. "Memento: An Experience with Dramamine (exp9662)". Jul 7, 2005.

500 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
My mom and dad told me they were going out of town for the night, so I was thinking what I could do that would probably be considered illegal. I had no LSD or Shrooms, very small amount of weed, and a few Adderall. Well what to do, what to do? I decided to try DXM for the third time, but this time I wanted to have real hallucinations so I decided to try 8oz instead of four. Well now with my mind set on hallucinating, I went outside and got on my bike to go pedal to the store, but it was way to damn hot for that. So I go back in my room disappointed and start looking through my backpack my sister took on a trip she went on, and to my delighted surprise I found some Dramamine (she gets mad motion sickness). So I open up my browser, search the web a bit, get some info, and finally decide to pop the ten pills that were left over in this tube.

I put five pills in my mouth first (they are kinda small, but I hate taking a lot of pills at once) and they were mad gross, but I swallowed it with water and took the other five pills. I logged onto AOL instant messenger and talked to my friend for awhile, it was around 4:00 pm when I took the pills.

About an hour later I started getting real bad cotton mouth, and I was starting to make less and less sense online. I got up to get some water and when I was walking down the hall looking at my feet, every step I took had this semi transparent whitish glow around it. I was like...that's kinda cool. Got my water, went to the bathroom, and came back. By this time I was getting real tired, and I just kept telling myself to stay awake or I'll just sleep through the trip. I had some nice melodic music on, nothing to hard or to soft, and just listened. By this time I was talking about completely random stuff online and I would get really confused and frustrated, forget what I was talking about to people, and finally I just logged off. I went over to my bed and started laying down, closing my eyes. I kept telling myself I wasn't going to sleep, just going to listen to the rest of this song...Finally I told myself I would fall asleep if I kept this up. I turned over and opened my eyes. In my room there is a giant flag of Che Guevara hung over my window. Well call me crazy, but I saw his lips moving up and down really rapidly. It wasn't natural lip movement when talking, but rather it looked like a robot moving his lips up and down. I didn't hear anything coming from them, and I was like...dude that's weird. So I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them it was gone.

I got up to go back to my computer and read some trip reports on this shit, and when I got to the computer, I would open up my favorites, then be like...what was I looking for? Then I clicked the link to a message board I most often visit. I would feel like this wasn't what I wanted to do, then I’d close down my browser and try again. Finally I got to some trip reports and started reading, but after about two sentences I would forget what I was reading about, and try and start over. I kept thinking to myself, this must be what the guy in Memento would feel like.

Ok, time to check up on my dogs. CRAP they got out of the backyard. Well now I gotta go look for them. I went into the front yard, and yelled out my dogs name. Well it didn't come out very well, and I was kinda like...ugh. So I started walking, it was a little past dark now, and I kept seeing these shapes of my dog (which is a Chihuahua) running around. I'd run up to them, then realise they weren’t the dog. Finally I gave up and decided that the dog would come back home. I went back into my backyard, and luckily I heard scratching at the door. I opened it and my dog ran in, yay.

By now I was really tired, it was about 4 hours after I took the pills. So I brought my dogs into my house and let them run around, and went into my room. I looked at my bed and swear I saw an elf dancing on my bed. It had no real color, but it was kinda greyish clear, and it just danced on my bed. I was like...what the hell is that? So I walked up to it and put my hand on it, but it just disappeared. I fell into my bed and closed my eyes. At this point I think I passed out, but I had some weird dreams.

One I remember was I was running down this hallway with portraits hanging on the wall with everyone I have ever met in my life talking to me, telling my advice on life. I don't remember what they said, but I remember specifically that's what the subject was - advice on life.

I woke up about 6 hours into the trip, and opened my eyes. Nothing. Not even those little squares I was seeing on the wall that were that greyish clear color. Lame.

I went back to bed and woke up again at 4 am. Got some water (my mouth was really dry) and laid in bed for awhile. Finally got back to sleep and woke up again at 9 am. No hangover at all.

Conclusion: Weird experience. Not much fun, not very boring either. Plan on trying it again, but this time with 12 pills, maybe more. Also plan on having a cup of coffee, or taking an Adderall (A.D.D. Stimulant) before I take the pills.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2005Views: 9,136
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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