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Did Not Have a Huge Psychological Impact
Dronabinol, Spice-Like Smoking Blend & Piracetam
Citation:   MrProg. "Did Not Have a Huge Psychological Impact: An Experience with Dronabinol, Spice-Like Smoking Blend & Piracetam (exp96656)". May 6, 2020.

5 mg oral Pharms - Dronabinol
  800 mg oral Piracetam
  1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I am a college student with a minor in Project Management and Administration, majoring in IT, and Mastering in Psychology. If there's a time and a place for everything, I'd say college is definitely the place to be. Anyway, I have a prescription of Dronabinol to treat pain and loss of appetite associated with diverticulitis. Normally Dronabinol does not affect my performance in school or work, however in the past I've ruined two exams by burning first generation spice products just before going in. Since getting the prescription I quit smoking cannabinoids altogether, until this morning.

T-0:01 Woke up with materials readily available all by mail. I take Dronabinol and Piracetam, then proceed to make a simple breakfast.
T-0:30 Regularly anticipated effects of Piracetam begin, so I started up my computer, opened up assignments for the day, then loaded a bowl of what I heard was 'the strongest' herbal incense.

T-0:31 Effects of 'the strongest' come-up in less than a minute. Euphoria, sound-sight & touch-sound synethesia begin, and it feels a bit crazy being slightly forgetful. This is distracting for about 10 minutes, so I took a break, let music play, and cleaned house. Since this combination increased insight considerably, I thought to avoid letting any intoxication interfere this time.
T-0:40 Synethesia is now simply touch-sound, and the Dronabinol is becoming noticeable as the intoxicating feeling is now like two hits of hashish. The feeling of forgetfulness is now gone, but still there.

T-0:45 Since appreciation of music is still as high as the insight, I go back to writing my report on French-German immigrants.
T-1:00 All done! Amazingly smoking the synthetic cannabinoids did not have a huge psychological impact. After sight-sound hallucinations disappeared, it became incredibly easy to write and get a report finished ahead of schedule. Many implied that it causes frightening hallucinations, however I was happily focused on the vibrations of sounds and fluid freewriting. They seem to go hand-in-hand as a source of energy (Kinetic & Auditory).

I would say this combination is the equivalent of smoking a brownie. It got me just as high as a brownie would have, except the increased psychedelia only lasted for about 2 hours.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 96656
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 6, 2020Views: 1,180
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Pharms - Dronabinol (225), Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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