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H. B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   Walks. "Weird: An Experience with H. B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp9667)". Aug 28, 2002.

T+ 0:00
15 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis
I have been looking at the net for some legal entheogens, I have smoked and drunk a lot, and did shrooms once. I really like shrooms but since I live never Newark the only drugs that easy to get are narcotics. I plan to stay away from that shit. I have a freind that get realy fucked up because of Heroin.

Anyway I got a lot of the internet and I read that the amount LSA varies a lot because it is a natural source. The first time I took it I did 10, (removed the white fuzz and chewed it like tobacco) which made me feel really drunk and stoned, but more clear. There was great euphoria and this 'I doon't give a damn' feeling. It last all night. I had minor hallucinations,like when I looked at the stars moved around.

A week later I did 15 at 7:30, and it was like when I did 10 but at 12:00 I took a few hits of good weed and it felt like some one blow apart my mind. I was thinking with three different brains and like last time every five minutes felt like an hour. The three brains I as thinking with were an animal brain over stimulatedby all the talkig and colors, then my creative brain was kept saying these crazy ideas and produced closed eye visions which overlapped my open eye real sight. Then my logical mind which had little control kept me in line telling me how silly my ideas were and that my freinds were looking at me.

I kept fading in and out of dreams, at i think 12:40 I fell asleep. It was the most intense mental feeling in my life. I woke up still drunk feeling but ok and went home. they nice day I had a huge weed over. It was so much fun, but it is a depressant and it is for those that like sitting and chilling.

Tonight I gave 4 friends 12 each, they all got really fucked up but in very different ways. Most were sorta acting like they were drunk
but one kid just sat there all night and at the end said he found the meaning of life, and it was something about not caring. The other three all like it and one said it was the 'best thing ever'. They all compared it to drunk E.

I think it is great and for about 3$ a trip it is well worth it. it is not for everyone and made me feel sick for the firs 30 minutes but goes away. It is not for everyone and seed to seed vary greatly so 10 off my seeds could be equal to 5 of yours, and make sure to get it through a legal high place because some company put bad stuff on them.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9667
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 28, 2002Views: 4,523
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