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Prying Open My Third Eye
by j
Citation:   j. "Prying Open My Third Eye: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp967)". Nov 13, 2000.

500 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
It started out i was with a friend on saturday and i felt compelled to try dramamine as a way to trip. Failing to find someone to cart my ass to a store, i had to walk. It was about 8:30 when i got home. After waiting for my mom to go to bed, at about 11:15, i took 10 of the 12 pills. About 30 minutes later, i felt a nice body high. It was pleasant but i wanted to see visuals. My first visual came at about 12:20. We have a wooden cow on a shelf and when i looked at it, it looked as if the middle was all hollow 'cause i could see the wallpaper behind it. My friend lifted the cow to show me it wasn't hollow. It wasn't, but as soon as he put it down i could see the wallpaper, so that was kinda fucked. Then i would look at my friend's face and after looking for a while, it would turn into an old bald guy with a pointy nose who was staring at me. Then i would blink and it would be him watching tv like normal. I think the coolest thing was finding my third eye. I was really tired. I was also watching tv and my eyes would keep shutting, but when they were shut, i could still see the tv and everything else. My mind would make up the tv show, to correspond with the words from the real show, so i was directing my own show. It was all pretty cool, but my memory is shot right now; i don't remember much. I did throw up at like 5:00 in the morning, though. That sucked and the walls still move a little bit.

I doubt i will do dramamine again, 'cause the visuals were not all that cool. I think i will try shrooms next. I say, if you haven't tried dramamine then you might want to. I think my hopes were too high and that's why it wasn't as cool as i thought. peace. j.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 967
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2000Views: 6,349
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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