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Slip Into Limbo
Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   Cephid. "Slip Into Limbo: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp96714)". Jun 5, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I am writing this experience as I feel I need to properly explain what happened as opposed to negligible explanations to my friends. I wouldn't say I was particularly experienced with both ketamine and 2C-B having only done both a few times before. I apologize for the lack of time indicators, I live my life mostly unaware of the time.

My night started smoking a few spliffs before a train journey to an illegal London Warehouse Party I had heard about on facebook. I have experience with these parties and feel little apprehension before going to them.

As the train puled in I saw friends who were also going to the same London party. I purchased two doses of 2C-B off one of my friends selling the substance at this party. Having at least 2.5g of amnesia haze in my coat pocket I knew it was going to be a sick night.

We arrived at the party around midnight, found a spot in the spacious warehouse to sit down start rolling a joint as standard. After a joint I decided to have a look around. Many people in the corridors were selling MDMA, I was tempted but having abused MDMA about 4 months before I was bored of the drug. Then walked past somebody selling Ketamine. From my experience with buying Ketamine at raves I had to be sure the quality, as it's easy to sell impure substances when you dont know the buyer. Having had a deep conversation about the purity and discussing both our general use of drugs I could trust this guy.

I asked him to follow me to my bag as I had no money in my pocket. I bought it for £20 and felt pleased with all the drugs I had in my pocket. The night was ready to begin for me. After making the signal to my mate to go do some lines we both walked eagerly to the chill-out room. I set myself a line which I knew was far too big for Ketamine but decided to do it anyway. It hit me pretty immediately as the music slowed in bpm. I told my friend to set his own line as I was in no state already. At this point I knew I had bought some banging Ketamine which made me happy.

After that line I walked to the drum and bass room as it's my favourite genre of music at a rave. Before I knew it I was already in a K Hole. Having no recollection of actually doing anything, I felt connected to everything. Life had a reason and this was it.
I felt connected to everything. Life had a reason and this was it.
I was looking at the DJ and everyone around me skankin but hearing no music or sound whatsover. This didnt puzzle me because it felt like it had always been this way.

As my K hole progressed I had to sit down. As I sat down I saw what I can only explain as cracks into time and space. An infinite dimensional field panned out in front of me, I could travel through these cracks in time and travel between specific moments of that night. One moment I was being sucked into my friends body, the next I was was floating around the room. It seemed there was nothing else but this room and the different parts of the room and my friends within this room all felt like different dimensions I could access. One of my friends knowing I was holing, walked around me in a continuous circle which fucked me up because I was laughing so much. Laughing felt so disconnected from my mouth but I knew I was doing it. Suddenly my eyes shot straight back into my brain I was continuously spitting out the revolting drip from Ketamine. This repeated several times in different positions in the room but happening at the same time. I was able to spit on the floor over and over again but the floor looked different every time I spitted.

At this moment I was curled in a ball on the floor beginning to become slightly frustrated about not being in control of my body. My friend pulled my up. I can't explain the overwhelming sense of recognition I felt, because seeing my friend made me remember who I was
seeing my friend made me remember who I was
. As he pulled me from the ground my mind felt ripped from the floor into the 3 dimensional field of view I have lived. Being able to see clearly now I walked back to the chillout room where I smoked a joint. The high from cannabis bought me straight back to reality because it made me feel normal again.

I am not going to bore you with my 2C-B trip as it was completely manageable and nothing special.
K-Holing from a single line made me respect the drug greatly

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 688
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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