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I Feel That Death Will Be Similar to This
Citation:   Abovetheuninfluenced. "I Feel That Death Will Be Similar to This: An Experience with DMT (exp96827)". Erowid.org. Apr 14, 2018. erowid.org/exp/96827

3 hits smoked DMT
I was never too into using drugs myself due to cost and paranoia. My best friends, however, love them to death; so inevetiably, they sought to find out what it was like to trip on DMT.

I primarily enjoy drinking and am never too quick to go out of my way to smoke marijuana. With my friends new fascination with DMT and a mission to create it, I initially had no intentions of trying it (especially since I had not even tripped with shrooms yet). However, as the test day got closer and I had read up a bit on the subject, I became very curious and motivated to try it out.

I got off work one day feeling good with my room mates telling me how awesome it was and that they had been smoking it the last hour. I smoked it with them and immediately felt a sense of euphoria, but not much else as far as visuals and other expected effects. More batches were made in hopes of finding the unreal 'breakthrough' that I had read about. It wasn't until my third attempt about a week later that it finally happened:

This time I decided to go in my room alone with some low playing instrumentals (rather than previously having everyone around and some loud lyrical music on, which seemed to keep me from mentally leaving reality). I held the flame a few cm over the DMT and took a biiiig hit and immediately knew it was going to happen as I blew out a huge amount of smoke. I followed up with another failed hit and one more huge hit. I quickly set the glass bowl down, noticing all feeling and coordination leaving my body and closed my eyes to immediate visualisations.

The best way to describe it was brightly colored rectangles expanding from an invisible center point. I questioned whether my minds voices had actually changed since I still felt like the same person. I quickly shut my laptop to stop the playing music and again closed my eyes.
I quickly shut my laptop to stop the playing music and again closed my eyes.
Moments later, the colorful lights became much brighter and whiter with many shapes engulfing me. I kept seeing what I thought was an asian lady: she was beautiful and smiling at me, as she would kinda pull me closer then morph into a shape of some sort. I believe it was her hands that I kept seeing signalling me closer and almost simultaneously morphing into some kind of shape. I remember feeling as if she was teasing me but I could feel the biggest smile on my face, or at least what I perceived to be my face.

Then amongst all of the bright lights and shapes, what looked like some big eye balls began to pop though the screen that I was watching. They kind of vanished and were replaced by morphing shapes again, one which I interpreted at the time as a middle finger (like I was getting a fuck you from this other universe). This kinda made me laugh a little in my head but I then began respecting these visuals more and watched rather than trying to control what was happening. As soon as I did this, my attention directed to sounds of what sounded like highly intelligent tones (the best way to describe them would be some sort of sophisticated, low key, organized, not-as-obnoxious dubstep tones). My friends voices from the other room began then to fill my head and bring me back to earth. I then saw a very faint colorful vibrating line with a rectangular piece in the middle of it, and I realized my trip was complete. I sat there with my eyes closed a moment more, not knowing what to expect when I opened my eyes since I felt that my mind felt had been completely in tact throughout the experience.

When I opened them, my mind was astonished to see a body lying there in front of it. I tried to piece together what had happened and came up with this.

I feel completely satisfied with this trip. I thoroughly enjoyed what happened and do not plan on smoking DMT for some time. I have read about large amounts of DMT being released in the brain at death; whether this is true or not, I wholeheartedly feel that death will be extremely similar to this, and am completely okay with this. I would not mind going through an eternity of that trip.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96827
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Apr 14, 2018Views: 789
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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