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30 Hours of Not Fun
Citation:   flush. "30 Hours of Not Fun: An Experience with Clenbuterol (exp96855)". Nov 13, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2 ug oral Clenbuterol (liquid)
  T+ 24:00 3 ug oral Clenbuterol (liquid)
  T+ 48:00 4 ug oral Clenbuterol (liquid)
  T+ 72:00 5 ug oral Clenbuterol (liquid)
2I found a bottle of clenbuterol the other day. I have been exercising for the last 6 years trying to loose a lot of weight I put on in my early 20's. I have done great but my love handles and stomach ( and flabby chest ) are not going away. I have been getting desparate to try anything since the gym, running, swimming, and yoga have not been working.

So I prepared myself to try the clen. I got my diet in order, got bananas and taurine. I have read that these will help with any cramping I may experience. I also know I'm very sensitive to most stimulants so my intent was to start very small.

My first dose was on a tuesday. 2 micrograms of Clen in a liquid solution was measured out in a diabetic syringe. Down the hatch it went. I figured I was having placebo effects but two hours later I could hear a ringing in my ears and my heart rate increase. Awesome, it was working.

Both wednesday and thursday I had increased my dose by 1 microgram ( I took 3 on wed, and 4 on thurs.). The ringing in my ears had gone away after a couple hours after my first dose on tuesday and was not having any negative effects at all. In fact it felt like I had not taken anything at all. I was noticing that I was sweating where normally I would not. All three days, tues wed and thurs I hit the gym and did a decent workout. No cardio at all, just lifting.

I was quite pressurized at the speed of which I gained mass. Not like it was a huge gain, but noticeable compared to my normal routine. I also had to cut a new hole in my belt.

Then friday came around. I was feeling pretty good about things so far, and figured I would not have any problems. So I took 5 micrograms.

Within 1 hour after that I got the ringing in my ears again. Except this time it was way worse. Two hours after I was getting very light headed and dizzy. I took my blood pressure and it was 140/82. My normal reading is 115/60. My heart rate was 45 bpm, but that is normal for me.

So I lay down, cancelled all my appointments for the day and just chilled. It was a pretty rough day tho. For 16 hours I was getting feverish, and bouncing between acute hypertension and hypo-tension. I took some taurine and ate a couple bananas which did help me feel better, but by 1:00am ( I dosed at 9:00am previous day) I still felt very cloudy in the head like I was stoned on weed. I did not smoke any all day tho.

I was quite nervous to get to sleep. I felt as if I were to sleep I would not wake up.

Next day I felt worlds better. I did not take another dose. I stopped at that point. It took until the next day yet before I felt back to base line.

All in all I would not repeat this. The feeling of overheating with bad ringing in the ears was not manageable for me.
The feeling of overheating with bad ringing in the ears was not manageable for me.
The weight loss and muscle gain did happen which I was surprised because I was under the impression it would take at least two weeks to notice results.

I would not recommend this to anyone. If you are considering taking it, start small. Your body type might not like this stuff!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96855
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Nov 13, 2019Views: 2,011
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Clenbuterol (180) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Performance Enhancement (50), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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