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Respiratory Weirdness
Citation:   Despereaux. "Respiratory Weirdness: An Experience with Kratom (exp96913)". Jun 8, 2016.

T+ 0:00
2 tsp oral Kratom (plant material)
  T+ 1:20 0.5 tsp oral Kratom (plant material)
I am writing this report to give a warning against carelessness regarding Kratom. I love using kratom and I'm not trying to object to its use, but only to unsafe use. It has come to my attention that more and more people are being hospitalized for kratom overdose, which means we could see this wonderful plant outlawed if we are not more careful. I was not hospitalized, but if things had gone a little differently, I may very well have been dragged to the ER during my first kratom experience.

At approximately 9pm, I mixed a tablespoon (about 6 grams I think) of 'premium' kratom powder in applesauce and attempted to eat it. I had eaten food only two hours before. (Note: I take a few drinks a week and occasionally indulge in Kava for depression, but neither substance was used that day, and I was on no medication.) The applesauce turned out to look, quite frankly, like shit, and tasted disgustingly bitter, such that I could only finish two thirds of it, and washed the rest down the drain.

My experience was very good up to a point. I felt like my hearing was sharper and I felt, for a period of five minutes, like I was hearing the sounds of a swamp at night. Twenty minutes after ingestion I felt happy and could not stop smiling. For the next hour, I listened to music and had some very awesome waking dreams, seeing stories unfold in my head. A vivid imagination was probably half of it, since I have very occasionally managed to do this without a substance, when in a very relaxed mindset. During this hour, I took at least half a teaspoon more of kratom because I was excited.

Then I went downstairs and spoke with my roommate for a while. I was talking faster than normal. Then suddenly I began to feel horribly tired like I had just taken a cup of Benadryl. Foolishly, I ignored this and remained standing and chatting. It was 11pm.

Rather out of nowhere, I felt so lightheaded I thought I would pass out. My vision clouded over completely and I felt myself sag down, but I caught myself on the couch, trying to catch my breath. I succeeded in not blacking out, and lowered myself slowly onto the couch. I was panicked for about a half an hour, fearing that if I relaxed I would pass out and stop breathing. I was in a cold sweat. I know that 'nodding off' has been ascribed to kratom, but this was not just 'nodding off.' I felt my pulse and it was lower than I ever remember it being in my life.
this was not just 'nodding off.' I felt my pulse and it was lower than I ever remember it being in my life.
I only breathed every five to ten seconds. It was strenuous to breath, and I made myself do it. Eventually, about half an hour later, I felt my pulse again, and it was almost normal. At the same time I realized I no longer had to regulate my depressed breathing. My body had taken over for itself again, though I still felt very short of breath. By midnight, I felt comfortable enough that I knew I was not going to faint. The next morning, I felt sick and dizzy until after lunch.

Long story short: I launched right into my kratom without starting at a low dose and building up.

If I hadn't caught myself, I would have gone unconscious and my roommate would have called 911. Please, let's all be responsible and not give the government a reason to forbid Kratom.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96913
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2016Views: 2,732
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Kratom (203) : Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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