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I Need Some Advice
Citation:   Glenn. "I Need Some Advice: An Experience with MDPV (exp96929)". Jul 24, 2012.

Hello. I have been using MDPV for 2 and half years almost. I get possitive results from it. In every area. I finished what I had purchased before the ban, with my daily usage. and I dared to order some from china. two different batches. they both taste different from each other, and they barely resemble the pre-ban product. Effects are same though.

My brother threw away my stash, and I don't plan on getting any more. but I don't know what to do. I am 39 years old, been banging on a guitar for 20 years, and I've always sucked. but as soon as mdpv was introduced into the picture, the degree of my focus perhaps is what changed, anyways, songs are erupting out of me like a volcano. MDPV is the cause of this. It doesn't happen without it. but I obviously need to quit taking this substance.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96929
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Jul 24, 2012Views: 5,010
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