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Didn't Work
Citation:   MountainHippie13. "Didn't Work: An Experience with MDMA (exp97072)". May 7, 2019.

  repeated oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
I was pretty excited, but kept my cool as I parked at a beautiful outdoor venue in Colorado for a rave. I drank a 24 oz can of a flavored malted beverage, and half of a shot of flavored vodka, a bottle of water. I smoked one large hit of marijuana to ensure I was calm enough to allow the effects of the MDMA that I was about to ingest would hit me.

I had loads of energy and motivation to dance. I have always gone to raves sober. The energy of the crowd always kept me going during the ENTIRE rave. About 20 minutes after I got there, I coated the tip to the 1st knuckle of my pinkie with the powder and licked/sucked all of it off. I repeated this after another 20-30 minutes, then every 30 minutes or so until it was all gone! It was an inch by inch little square baggie full of the MDMA powder, but it was still flat. The baggie was not bulging in any way. If it was all at the bottom, it would maybe be a sixth of the way full of powder. (I paid $30 for it)

I was experiencing this natural high for the first hour and a half to two hours, until I could tell something was happening. I kept trying not to think about it and focus on the music (since I had some Ecstasy twice before and blocked the entire experience, even though my husband and friends had the full experience
I had some Ecstasy twice before and blocked the entire experience, even though my husband and friends had the full experience

I could tell my pupils were dilated due to the feeling that I had my eyes open REALLY wide. I got excited and danced even harder, jumping higher, screaming louder! I was elated and still excited for what was to come, but it never got any better than that.

After about 3 hours of the same sensation, I lost my energy. I sat down, but I still bobbed my head to the beat! I was still enjoying myself, but not as much as if I was sober.

Contrary to what I’ve heard, my experience was pretty dull. I could compare it to drinking enough to get a pretty good buzz (not able to drive, but able to be aware of my surroundings and to control myself), and not drinking anymore and hanging out with everyone until I feel completely sober again.

I never had a peak, or a plateau … my eyes dilated and I liked looking at the light shows provided by the stage and other audience members. But that was all that I felt :o(

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97072
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 564
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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