Climbing the DNA Ladder
Citation:   KennyG. "Climbing the DNA Ladder: An Experience with DMT (exp97325)". Jun 17, 2021.

  repeated smoked DMT
A preface of my surrounding environment and people: D and I had been planning to do DMT for quite some time now. After finally securing a source and purchasing a ½ gram of crystal shard DMT and ½ gram of microshard DMT from a reliable source, D called me over to try it out. When I arrived, D and I decided to begin smoking the DMT. Total, I went through 153 mgs of DMT and had four very successful trips. This report will cover the fourth one, in which I had a complete breakthrough experience.

As far as location, the couch I was sitting on had wood walls behind it which were filled with dark black knots. These knots do come into play later. Also, the album of choice was Are You Shpongled? by Shpongled.

Initially I had filled our glass pipe with 103 mgs DMT and had taken one hit off it, leaving 50-60 mgs in the pipe. I proceeded to smoke the rest of the pipe completely in 1 huge hit. Taken 30-45 minutes after my third trip. I had smoked a little bit of cannabis in between, seemed to reduce the body load, but I was still only able to hold the smoke for between 5-7 seconds.

Still slight aftereffects from previously smoked DMT, but not overly profound. Color enhancement and music enhancement. To smoke the DMT I began with pipe away from my lips, and really torched the DMT, leaving the flame of a normal lighter licking the bottom of the glass pipe. I waited until the DMT started to smoke out of the top air hole pretty good before breathing in slowly, just enough so that it wasn’t coming out of the top but quick enough to be getting an enormous hit. I immediately began to lose focus on reality, and eyes and arms began to poke out of the knots in the wood walls. D says that I took the huge hit, looked up at him with small pupils, said whoa as my pupils quadrupled in size, and then fell back on the couch. If D hadn’t taken the pipe and lighter from me I probably would have dropped them. Body load was absurdly uncomfortable. D described the body load to me as if there was a red-hot golden rot stretching from his stomach to his throat. That seemed like a pretty accurate description. Lying down did help the body load go away.

Almost immediately after lying down and closing my eyes I rushed out of the world until I could see it as if from NASA view, sort of an outer space picture. At this point I could see my eyelids flutter past when I opened or closed my eyes, but the visuals didn’t change at all. Eventually I could not see my eyelids at all, and had no idea whether or not they were open or closed (D reports a bit of both).

In this zoomed out view I see a brilliant white alien world attached to the earth by a thread of DNA which faded from dark blue near earth to pure white at this alien planet. I quickly rushed to the base of the DNA strand and began to ascend it, leaving body parts lying on the ground as I walk up. These include moving eyes, mouths, and noses which would all multiply and eventually covered the entire DNA strand. I continued to ascend and eventually completely lost all feeling of my body. D reports my eyes fluttering open and closed, and me twitching and spasming on the couch.

I finished ascending the strain of DNA and entered a perfectly white world, which upon my entry began to slowly fill with color. Vibrant blues, greens, and yellows abound. It was brilliant, beautiful, and perfect in every way. I swoon, falling completely in love with this warm, inviting, perfect alien landscape, completely enthralled by the perfection and the beauty of this world. I began to just… exist. Not as a person, and barely as an entity, I began to exist on this perfect planet. Nothing else, just existing and feeling entirely at one with my place in this world.

I began to come in touch with another consciousness: a perfect, beautiful, loving consciousness, taking a form somewhat resembling that of a mermaid, but with mostly undefined features. It should be noted that at this time the music we were listening to was very peaceful and relaxing, and I realized afterwards how closely my trip was following the course of the music. During that relaxing part of the song, I lived in this world. I lived there for what felt timeless. When asked to describe how long it felt by D, I said years. I simply existed in this perfect world for years and years, enjoying the beauty and love it exuded.

Eventually, the song changed and drums began to beat, and humans began to beat upon the corners of this perfect world with hammers, breaking it down and revealing earth beneath. As the perfect world was beaten into bits by the humans, I began to cry. Something so indescribably perfect being destroyed by reckless barbarism. When I came back to, I had tears on my face.

The aftereffect that this trip had on me was… indescribable. Firstly, it felt as if I had been at D’s house for weeks, at least one or two. And secondly, it wasn’t a trip filled with drug-induced epiphanies or Christmas Carol –esque revisitings of the past; it was simply… perfect. I was allowed to get a vision into how a perfect world looks and acts.

[Reported Dose: "50-60 mg"]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97325
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 17, 2021Views: 473
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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