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Cannabinoid Oral Administration
Citation:   JordanC. "Cannabinoid Oral Administration: An Experience with 5F-AKB48 (exp97328)". Jan 4, 2016.

  oral 5F-AKB48 (powder / crystals)
AKB48 is a relatively new cannabinoid that I received a free 250mg sample of when I ordered some methoxetamine from an online vendor recently. I've had plenty of experiences with cannabis and various smoking blends, but since I've given up smoking, I decided to try taking the cannabinoid powder orally.

Incredibly, the AKB48 high felt almost identical to a high from THC. I ingested roughly 10-30mgs of AKB48 dissolved in water.
I ingested roughly 10-30mgs of AKB48 dissolved in water.
First affects were felt after about 30 or 45 minutes. Typical effects such as relaxation, increased tactile sensation, increased appetite, stoned feeling, sense of well-being were all present.

With the different Spice or K2 incense blends the high can turn into a strange trip when several large hits are taken. At around the 2 hour mark, my high was still increasing, entering a level of trippiness as the intoxicating high continued to rise. Even though the AKB48 experience waaas intense, fortunately, it didn't become unpleasant as can often happen with those smoking blends.

I was high for roughly 5ish hours, was able to sleep fine and woke up slightly lightheaded but with no real hangover to speak of. I was surprised at how clean the high was, didn't have a chemical feel to it at all. AKB48 is a safe and nearly identical substitution for cannabis, in my opinion, and the oral route offers a substantial, mood-lifting, trippy high.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97328
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 4, 2016Views: 4,808
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5F-AKB48 (725) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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