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Physician-Approved to Treat PTSD
Sceletium tortuosum (5x extract)
Citation:   Steppencat. "Physician-Approved to Treat PTSD: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (5x extract) (exp97334)". Dec 26, 2017.

  oral Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
I am 57 years old, male. Short story - subject to bullying during MS/HS, and parental abuse. Professional counseling from age 20 to 45. Sexual dysfunction. PTSD. Depression. Anxiety. Around age 40 was prescribed Welbutrin and Xanax (which did provide relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety). Result was decrease in anxiety and depression. No change in sexual dysfunction. No change in PTSD, although that became more an issue after age 50. Cannabis use from age 21, after onset of aforementioned issues. Sidenote: cannabis provided relief of symptoms re: lack of motivation/ADHD. No longer using cannabis due to age and lack of sources (current regulations seem to favor use among young people).

At around age 40 Prozac was considered by a psychologist for treatment of my depression/PTSD, but was rejected due to sexual dysfunction/ED. However, by age 55 due to lack of a sexual partner, and after research indicating Prozac would alleviate symptoms of PTSD I decided to go the Prozac route. It actually cured my sexual dysfunction/ED but the side effects included micro-blackouts while driving, falling asleep at work, diarrhea, intestinal distress. A Prozac alternative drug was prescribed, slightly less side-effects, but still too much to tolerate.

At age 56 I read about a MD released paper describing Kanna as a herbal supplement for an SSRI. I discussed it with my MD and we decided to try it. I found a company that offers a 5X standardized liquid extract and for the last 2 years I take a dropperful each night. There are none of the Prozac side-effects, but the benefits are exactly the same as using Prozac. My only fear now is continued reports of using Kanna to 'get high' will cause prohibition of yet another herb that is essential to my life and pursuit of happiness.

I have smoked Kanna 5X and it doesn't get me high. Neither did cannabis get me high after the early exposure to it in my 20's. My ideal combination of herbal supplements to remedy my psychological concerns would be Kanna and Cannabis (rather than hard-line pharmaceuticals). I still have a difficult time feeling motivated (lack of cannabis), but at least the recurring thought processes/nightmares related to PTSD are in remission.

My doctor approves of Kanna. However, Cannabis is not legal in my state. 50/50 is better than nothing!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 57
Published: Dec 26, 2017Views: 3,419
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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