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Well Wow or What
Citation:   JasonX. "Well Wow or What: An Experience with bk-MBDB (exp97380)". Jun 18, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral bk-MBDB
  T+ 1:00 1 capsl oral bk-MBDB
4pm dropped 1 cap Mitseez. 5pm dropped another just in case. 6pm BUZZ. BUZZ. Everything is fine, thoughts are clear. The world is beautiful. Till 3AM !!! Amazing. I was out with my girlfriend having a really good time. Felt very chatty. Unfortunately too chatty though. This climaxed at 3AM when I said stupid things. I was paranoid at 3AM. Then back home kept on tripping and it was all beautiful again till 5AM. When I became anxious and paranoid and said stupid things again this time to my parents and sisters. The next day was paranoid. I hadn't slept and was depressed and anxious and even dull headed. The opposite of what I had felt the day before. The day after was similar except milder. Monday I was almost back to being my usual self but was still a bit depressed. Tuesday was OK, and Wednesday I can say the experience was behind me.

I also think these are pretty addictive and it's easy to want to do them every week-end. Just like Ecstasy in fact. Very like Ecstasy. They can be good, they can be bad. I don't know if I want to do the experience again. I liked some parts of it. It was like winning the lottery for 10 hours. Then it was like confusion for another 10 hours. :( wow. I don't want to be an addict cos it will ruin my life. It's bad for my health. And I want to stay alive.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97380
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 18, 2020Views: 1,153
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bk-MBDB (348) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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