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An Easy and Pleasant Ride
by nmda
Citation:   nmda. "An Easy and Pleasant Ride: An Experience with 2C-P (exp97452)". Nov 12, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral 2C-P (capsule)
  T+ 6:00 20 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
So I decided to write report on 2C-P, as far as this drug is not very popular (yet). I had never taken any phenethylamine so I was excited enough when possibility to acquire some occured.

Starring: me and R, taking same amount of chemical

Loc: country place with nice garden, no neighbors aside, a quiet calm place, ideal for psychedelic experience.

Experience in taking drugs: huge experience in taking mushrooms, mdma in all possible combinations; pharmaceuticals, stimulants (rarely), legal highs, everyday cannabis for many years, a bunch of synthetic cannabinoids, all the mind-altering substances which where available to get.

Mindset: calm, excited about forthcoming trip. Some major life problems , but an ability to control mind and emotions and not to pay an attention to them when it is not necessary.

Dose: 1 capsule, prolly around 6-7 mg

T + 0:00 A caps with 2C-P is swallowed.

T + 0:40 First feeling of a substance is being absorbed. We are on our way to the country place.

T + 2:00 Chilling out and drinking beer with 2 more people in county place, first effects begin – morphing vision, breathing objects, slightly enhanced colours – standard serotonin receptor-induced distortions. Feeling of something is getting deep inside of my brain. I decide to have a quick snack and have no problems eating. Two other people leave. The trip begins, as the darkness comes and it is starting to rain.

T + 3:00 – 6:00 The plateau is being reached. I am a bit disappointed, as soon as I was expecting stronger and deeper trip, but I decide just to enjoy the experience. Slight tremors, but no muscular tension, a pleasant soft and mellow body feel. My stomach feels fine as well. Mood is increased and I feel a sort of universal energy when looking in the night sky (too bad it was cloudy). We enter the summer house, distorted vision make walls and ceiling vibrate from convex to concave. We are having a nice talk with lots of laughter. After we go outside, I notice my thoughts no more contain words, instead I think with symbols and a deeper perception of reality comes. Unfortunately this was the peak and it never developed. I go to the back of the summer house. Urinating is not as difficult as it could be on psychedelics. As I am standing in total darkness, rainbow-type patterns inside darker objects starting to occure. I believe there are nice strong visuals on higher doses. The we decide to have a music therapy, so we both take our players, I choose free area near the garden, put my shoes off and start dancing to psy-prog. The great thing about 2C-P is that it is both stimulating and psychedelic. While there is no one around and I feel free, my movement are transforming into extatic shamanic dance, although I am not feeling great euphoria or any deep insights. I close my eyes and imagine concentrated energy on my hands and around me. I am very happy to listen to my own written track. After quite a time I join R to sit near the fire place.

T + 6:00 – 8:00 We feel slow comedown during this period, we spend our time drinking some beer and chatting about society and how it is all wrong, structure of reality, importance of psychedelics and etc. (which are, I believe, ordinary psychedelic talks). We have about 20 mg of baclofen in approx T + 6:00, as it relaxes, improves mood and makes it easier to sleep, but decreases the psychedelic component of the experience (I recommend baclofen to everyone the day after they have mdma). Later we make concentrated mint tea. It acts as a tranquilizer, so we go inside the house, I fall asleep immediately.

Next morning we both feel great and relax, spend some more time in the country place and our mate takes us back home.

Conclusion: low dose of 2C-P, great for beginners, a substance which combines psychedelic and stimulating properties, I think it would be perfect for open-air parties, etc .It alters my way of thinking but I can control your thoughts quite easily – however, I amnot getting any deep, universal extatic insights (which is common when taking mushrooms). To my view, possibility of a bad-trip is minimal at lower doses. I plan to double or triple the dose as I feel 2C-P has more to give than effects that are described in this opus.

Sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97452
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 12, 2019Views: 849
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2C-P (305) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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