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Like A Psychedelic Roll-in-the-Hay
Citation:   ShadetreeShulgin. "Like A Psychedelic Roll-in-the-Hay: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp97461)". Oct 27, 2020.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00 1 hit smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends  
  T+ 4:00   oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP  
I've had many experiences prior to this one. I've used all kinds of psychoactives, including (but not limited to) cannabis, alcohol, LSD, psilocybe mushrooms, various research chemicals including syntheic cannabinoids, cocaine, heroin and other opiates/opioids, MDMA, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines. I've had quite a few prolific experiences, but none that have been so profoundly meaningful as the one I'm about to describe.

The setting, for me at least, was perfect - it was the middle of the afternoon, mid-August, on a beautiful sunny day, and I was in a great mood. I had just received my 100mg shipment of 4-AcO-DMT after a week of waiting and I couldn't wait to try it. I got into my car and drove over to my girlfriend's apartment with the local rock station blasting.

I arrived at her apartment before she had gotten home from errands, so I let myself in and proceded to open my package. I was expecting a white, crystalline powder, but was surprised to find a sticky, clumpy powder that resembled dirt. Since I had ordered the fumarate salt instead of the freebase, I figured that was why. Anyway, after examining the MSDS for any information I hadn't already gleaned online, I waited for my girlfriend to get home.

About five minutes later, she arrived home and greeted me with a kiss, adding to my current elation over receiving my goods. I showed her the product, and she also made the observation that it looked like dirt. Anyway, earlier in the day, I had told her that I wanted to wait until later in the evening to dose, but at that point I couldn't wait anymore, and she gave me the go-ahead. So, at about 3:30 pm, on an empty stomach, I swallowed 25mg 4-AcO-DMT, dissolved in about 1 oz of water, followed by a tablespoon of soy lecithin for emulsification. Two rinses of the cup were swallowed to ensure all of the chemical was ingested.

Immediately following my dosing, she and I decided to go outside and smoke a cigarette. As we were smoking and talking, not five minutes had passed before I felt the first bit of something. As I mentioned it to my girlfriend, and proceded to describe it, a warm sense of euphoria began to sweep over me, and at about the ten-minute mark, I had a strong buzz. After coming back inside and sitting down, peripheral visual disturbances had begun, and by the twenty-minute mark, I was at a full +++. I was pleasantly surprised at just how fast this material came on. It gave me a sensation that wasn't unlike an amphetamine rush.

As I began to trip harder and harder, I was overcome with the urge to lay my head in my girlfriend's lap and just grin up at her. She looked down at me grinning and commented that she had forgotten just how body-oriented a trip can be, which elicited an even bigger grin from me. I was starting to feel all lovey-dovey, almost like MDMA. She began to run her fingers through my hair, and I immediately noticed an entactogenic effect - THAT felt GOOD. After a little more affection, we decided to try to make love. However, we found quickly that although I was able to get ready, I coudldn't concentrate long enough to stay ready because I was tripping too hard, and still coming up. The sensations were so good it was almost overwhelming, and we amicably agreed to hold off.

After exiting the bedroom, we moved back to the living room, and decided to continue outside for another cigarette. As we were again smoking and talking, the trip seemed to subside all together - at about an hour after dosing, I suddenly felt sober. I told my girlfriend I thought it was over already, and before I even finished my sentence, the REAL trip came on
at about an hour after dosing, I suddenly felt sober. I told my girlfriend I thought it was over already, and before I even finished my sentence, the REAL trip came on
, hitting me like a brick wall. My visual field went wild, and everything I looked at was rapidly shifting colors. I was having vivid open-eye patterning, and solid objects were morphing and moving. I became a little anxious being outside, so we went back inside and sat back down in the living room. We began to talk again, and got onto the subject of how happy we were with each other (we are very happy together). She got up to use the bathroom, and as she was walking out of the room, multiple revelations of my own life hit me all in one instant. In one single instant, I realized my place in the universe and in life, that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing, with exactly whom I was supposed to be. I realized that I was actually head over heels in love with my girlfriend, and that she's perfect for me. So many beautiful ideas hit me all at once that I can't remember them all. The only way I could react to all this beauty hitting me all at once was to laugh. I fell into a hysterical laughing fit that lasted for about fifteen minutes, and my contagious laughter spread to my girlfriend, who couldn't stop laughing at me laughing.

After the laughing fit calmed itself, I actually reached what I percieved to be the peak of the experience - I was on point - I was THERE. I felt like my body and brain were operating at full potential, and that I was capable of doing or thinking anything. I decided to put on some psy-trance, and proceded to rock out until my girlfriend had to leave for work, at about the three hour mark. By this time, the trip had receded to a mild +++, and continued to decline until about the four-hour mark.

At right at four hours, I was back to baseline, completely sober. I decided to take a 5-HTP as preventative maintenence at that point. I was in the best mood I've ever been in all evening, and finally fell into a deep sleep at about 2 AM. No hangover the next day, but the great mood and deep insights still haven't left. 4-AcO-DMT is a wonderful, colorful, insightful, and clean-feeling psychedelic, and in my opinion, has great therapeutic value. Almost just like mushrooms, but with more euphoria and less nausea.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97461
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 27, 2020Views: 829
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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