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Life as a Fractal
Citation:   disintegration. "Life as a Fractal: An Experience with DMT (exp97478)". Sep 3, 2019.

1 bowl smoked DMT
Inhaled w/ marijuana ash as base of support, some ash sprinkled on top to aid with combustion, careful not to let flame touch bowl directly. Milked the bong slowly, distinct odor noticed, then cleared rapidly and kept smoke in lungs for as long as possible.

Upon exhale vision began blurring, intense rushing sensation felt throughout.
Upon exhale vision began blurring, intense rushing sensation felt throughout.
Friend took bong and then removed glasses. Laid back on couch and put blanket over face.

Eyes closed led to instantaneous transportation, awareness centered around a room, hypertextured with black and white squares constantly rearranging, point of view is from one wall, observing the other sides of the cube. Feelings of presences close to me, memories recalled from recent days, the distinct moments of past. The faces of the cube were in constant flux, sometimes giving a view of empty space, gradually attention was fixed on series of black cable looking lines that were thick resembling twisted highways maybe, all studded with white tetrahedral shapes which formed patterns (similar to pictures of self-organizing nanopatterns).

Intensely vivid colors predominated the trip, the same colors you would find in a flashy 50s style diner. Felt terrified at one point, chest felt compressed and was unsure if I was breathing. Wondered how long the trip was going to last, felt concerned and wondered if medical attention would be even remotely possible (fear of dying), realized that nothing in this world was able to help me and let the trip take over. Previously mentioned black studded patterns were constantly twisting into new conformations. Flying lotus was playing, blended perfectly into the theme of the room and seemed as if it had always been a part of it almost.

Gradually intensity lessened and was able to form longer coherent thoughts, lifted blanket and experienced open eye visuals similar to those seen before on other hallucinogens, but this time were somehow more fluid and snakelike in their motions across overlaying patterns. Sense of the passage of time slowly returns, open eye visuals linger but entirety of the trip is less than 15 mins, friend reported spent ~5 mins with eyes closed.

Mild headache following which quickly passed, entire body feels relaxed.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2019Views: 710
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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