The Entire Room Was Kind of Melting
Citation:   rare220. "The Entire Room Was Kind of Melting: An Experience with DMT (exp97538)". Apr 13, 2018.

30 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)

Usually on the weekend I take my leftover money after I pay bills and everything and buy molly (MDMA) but this weekend my dealer was on vacation so my fiend with dmt called me and asked if I wanted any. I said hey why not try something new after all it is only 5 minutes right? so I bought a 60mg hit.

What I was about to experience was nothing I was prepared for,not saying its bad but it was intense to say the least. I poured off 30mg into a marijuana pipe and I hit it,didnt put the flame on it but when the flame got close the dmt melted and was smokeable. I held it in for as long as I could witch was very hard because it was rough and tasted like burning plastic. As I exhaled the entire room was kind of melting and moving around similar to the peak of a mushroom trip. I closed my eyes and there was this capsule with some powder in it, the capsule grew arms and told me to follow it,so of coarse I did. It started building a glowing bridge infront of me and I was walking through space for what seemed like a half hour.

I could tell the trip was wearing off because it became more of a dream that what I felt was reality.the pill told me that it was time to go and to come back soon to visit.I opened my eyes and I felt exausted and went to bed.

I still have the other 30mg just waiting for the right time to use it. From the trip I learned that nothing anyone tells you about dmt or anything you learn on the internet can prepare you for the trip if you decide to do it. All I can say is it is the most intense trip I have ever had and its definitaly an experience that people should take given the opportunity. But just like every other drug dont abuse it and it wont abuse you!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 788
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