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Boy Next Door Goes Bad
Citation:   Birdie. "Boy Next Door Goes Bad: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp9754)". Jul 29, 2002.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I'm a 29 year old gay male living in San Francisco. It wasn't until 8 months ago that I discovered the drug/party scene, and I was easily sucked into it. I started out just doing E, then quickly graduated to K and G.

I had done my research beforehand about all the party drugs and vowed never to try crystal - all the reports sounded so scary. Well, when out clubbing one night with my now ex-boyfriend a few months back, he asked if I wanted a bump. I was starting to come down from my E, so I figured what the hell - life is all about new experiences. I snorted a bump off a car key and in a minute I felt more awake than I ever had before. I had this extreme sense of clarity and was so energized. Now, I already talk incessantly when on E, and the crystal only made it worse. I could not shut up (much to my boyfriend's dismay). Never did sleep that night, but paid the price the following day. I had never felt so strung out and depressed in my life. I'm normally a very happy, funloving person, but I seriously felt suicidal. I swore to never do crystal again, and made my boyfriend promise he would never offer it to me again.

Guess what...I did it again, and again, and again. I've probably done it 10-12 times total, even as of this past weekend. I find myself craving it and dreaming about it at night. I'll buy a bag on the weekend, and flush down the toilet what is left so I don't have it around. Then the weekend comes around again and there I am buying more.

I hope there are people out there like I was a few months ago who are doing their research before they try anything. I want to tell those people to stay the hell away from this evil drug. Sure you get a good long high, but the come down is an absolute bitch. Plus, there are many long term health effects. I pray I have the resolve to quit this nasty little habit before I get in to deep. So far the worse thing that has happened to me is that I've lost some weight (7 lbs?) I was skinny to begin with, so I didn't really need to and people have commented on it.

Moral of the story - don't touch this shit.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9754
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2002Views: 12,230
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Methamphetamine (37) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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