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Loss of What Used to Be
Citation:   Alex Snow. "Loss of What Used to Be: An Experience with DMT (exp97612)". Mar 5, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked DMT  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I've experienced almost every recreational substance listed on the internet, other then dmt (never worked for me). I don't do drugs anymore really. Weed/alcohol occasional cocaine.

This all started when a friend of mine was robbed by a 'friend' for all of his drugs once upon a time. And they became close once again and was given one ounce of dmt as an apology.

I was given 2 points at which time I rushed home and smoked 60mg in a weed pipe under a bed of weed. I instantaneously broke through and as my entire room melted away I saw a silhouette of a man who became less and less vivid. After about 30 seconds I was in complete nothingness and visited by an african american 'pimp' looking figure. Who guided me through this 'world' which I can either not remember or it was just white space.

I do remember the hallucinations quite clearly it was similar to a large dose of acid before and after the break through, but much more geometrical. Hexagon and triangles and spheres of your vision move from place to place, it was quite surreal.

I then immediately fell asleep and then the next day returned to my friends house where I got it. (still had a point or so)

They had yet to smoke it and urged me to join them, and if I didn't completely want to I wouldn't have. But intrigued to try it with my best friends I did join them.

Myself and two others prepared various doses and smoked it one at a time, silently.

I went first, 50 mg.

Little to no effect, short lasting. Assuming because of my experience 11 hours earlier.

#2 , 40mg

Much higher then I got, out of body experience.

#3 , 70mg

No breakthrough, longest most in depth trip of the three of us.

And that ended my experience with dmt, the rest of mine was sold.

After my break through I felt like a completely new person, I've never been in such a good mood. But for the last few days I've never felt so detached from all my friends and family. I could just be drained from the experience but almost every conversation I have with my girlfriend, co-workers, friends seems to bore and aggravate me to no end. For the past 3 days I've been ignoring everyone I love because I simply have no words, no feelings.

I have no regrets, I live without them. I wish this wasn't taking such a toll on my mental health but it is what it is.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 5, 2018Views: 885
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