Who Am I
2C-E & Alcohol
Citation:   Cpt.Mind. "Who Am I: An Experience with 2C-E & Alcohol (exp97726)". Erowid.org. Dec 4, 2020. erowid.org/exp/97726

100 mg oral 2C-E
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
This report is written under the influence of 25 mg 2C-B, alcohol and neither is my primary language English so I beg pardon for parts that are difficult to grasp.

My experience might be somewhat unusual for the mainstream. I've always been fascinated by human psyche, mind and imagination and I want to understand them how they work and what makes us, humans, feel, think and act like we do. So as a part of this long experiment I've run for years I wanted to break down my psyche into basic emotions and feel uncontrolled fear. So as part of this experiment I ingested 100 mg of 2C-E and tried to induce a bad trip.

I started at home and as with most research chemicals this causes me to nauseate. To avoid this I was getting hammered with alcohol. It took about 20 minutes to feel first effects of the drug to take effect. As the 2C-E is starting to take effect I feel muscle tension and body load. I've never actually understood what people had meant by 'body load' before this. At dosage this high the body load was a substantial issue. Jaw, grinding teeth, sweaty arms, cold feeling, increased pulse etc. I had Xanax for this but never took it because I feared it might affect my trips intensity.

I started by watching my face in mirror in a poorly lit room. I saw scales start to grow under my skin, my eyes turned black and skin white. My head was morphing in front of the mirror, I found this kinda hallucinations being fascinating. It was produced by my own mind and nothing really was happening even thought my senses are telling me something else and it was so real yet all this is happening inside my head.

I waited for few hours to get plateau where I was substantially hallucinating but I still was able to hold on to reality if I wanted to. So now I started stressing myself out. I drew maggots and spiders on my torso with pen watched my markings to come alive. To consume me and as this happens I also felt it. Even this was not enough to freak me out enough what I was after in this experiment. So I left my home.

I went to my friends house where people was drinking and doing dope. I was there for few hours and then I felt like this is just wasting time so I left. I tried to cause severe anxiety by doing a small drug deal and walking in public park where other people can see me and my acting.

As I was walking in the park (night) it was sometimes difficult to even see properly because, everything in front of me kept changing, morphing. 2C-E has peculiar way to produce hallucinations and in a words it's very difficult to describe what I experienced. It's like drawing a line on paper, then erasing it and drawing it again in very fast manner.

I walked and sat about two hours in the park when I first time began to notice the drugs leaving my body. I started my experiment at 3 pm and it was about 11 pm. At this point while I was wandering in the park I concluded my experiment to be a failure but a spectacular one it was. 2C-E never gave me a real mental component to work with, it's a stimulant and it felt like taking ecstasy (though in my mind 2C-B is closer, but ecstasy is a good analogue nevertheless). I've read so much reports on this particular drug that it was difficult to understand where people are getting all those ideas but my friend reported a significantly different experience than what I felt when I first time tried this so it's very selective who it wants to be pals with and with who it doesn't.

So I guess, at the moment my experiment is still going on. I've tried also to break my psyche by continuously ingesting large amounts of 2C-B many days straight (I've also tried DOC and 25i-nBOME and DXM in this manner) to understand my fears and how can I handle them, what do I really even fear? How can I improve my psyche and understanding about it? I've always said that if you aren't mentally prepared to take a bad trip you shouldn't ever do heavy psyche drugs like 2C-E or 2C-B.

It took two days to stop hallucinating completely. I've never really feared lasting visual distress because my way to see my own life, but it still took quite a while.

Overall I see 2C-E being a powerful visual and physical drug. It causes tension and people always should take care of themselves physically when taking it.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Dec 4, 2020Views: 827
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2C-E (137) : Various (28), General (1)

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