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Bringing the Pintocin to the Party
Alcohol, Cannabis & Oxytocin
Citation:   Research Scientist. "Bringing the Pintocin to the Party: An Experience with Alcohol, Cannabis & Oxytocin (exp97742)". May 2, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol
    insufflated Oxytocin
  1 hit smoked Cannabis - High CBD
I bought some pintocin [sic] (Pfizer brand synthetic oxytocin) to experiment with from an online pharmacy. My hope was that it represented a milder, safer substance analogous to MDMA.

As something of a joke, I brought a 10 pack of pintocin to a party recently. There were more psychonauts in attendance than I expected, as the pintocin went in less than 5 minutes, with 9 other people snorting one vial as suggested. I expected insufflated pintocin to have no subjectively noticeable effect to those not extremely in tune with their bodily sensations. I had a few drinks, but I didn't notice any effects from pintocin until I smoked one small hit of high-CBD cannabis, at which point a feeling of warmth beyond that of alcohol or cannabis alone was noted.

The altered sensation was still much more mild than MDMA. I am well attuned to MDMA microdoses, and snorting one vial of pintocin had effects milder than a 10mg MDMA microdose.

Next time, I would try two vials.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97742
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 3,868
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Oxytocin (548), Alcohol (61), Cannabidiol (596) : Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)

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