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Sleep Paralysis
Citation:   Hayley. "Sleep Paralysis: An Experience with Dreaming (exp97760)". Feb 20, 2020.

It was just a regular morning, the usual. My boyfriend wakes up at 6:30, leaves the house at 7:30 for his 8 am class. I usually lay around for a bit until I fall back asleep. I am dreaming about pink sanded beaches, chasing my little brother with these giant turquoise waves crashing in the background, then my dream transfers and I am in the passenger seat of a car driving up a mountain. All of a sudden I am hearing roaring noises, and I can feel something on the bed, my eyes open, nothing is there, and my cat is sleeping beside me. I close my eyes again and the roaring continues, almost like its teasing me. It has a very slow and specific pattern. Suddently at once I open my eyes and realize that my whole body is paralysed and that I can't breath. I keep feeling the bed shift (the kind of response a mattress has when someone crawls on the bed) shift, and roar, shift and roar. I am staring at the corner of my room at christmas lights and watch them kind of flicker around, everything is outlined in black and clears up in the focal point of my vision. I could kinda feel drool dripping off of my chin and I keep telling myself it's going to be over soon because I have had this happen before...

Whats strange to me is the disassociation. The moment I woke up I thought I had smoked DMT but I realized that I had been sleeping
The moment I woke up I thought I had smoked DMT but I realized that I had been sleeping
and it was virtually impossible to have done so at that state...time is still completely skewed, felt like this lasted for about 20 minutes and that it had to be at least 11am outside because the sunlight was just amplified. Whats strange is that I can imagine this is what death feels like. The moment before a soul escapes you are left to sit in your own body and stare at whatever is in front of you because it literally felt like I had no life in me and that I was passing away. Frightening to say the least...but so fascinating because at one point it was almost like I was watching myself.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97760
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 20, 2020Views: 804
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Dreams (85) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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