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A Whole Different Story
Zolpidem (Ambien) & Alcohol
Citation:   Sonja. "A Whole Different Story: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) & Alcohol (exp97770)". Feb 21, 2013.

10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol  
Well, so far Ambien on it's own done nothing to me. I just try to sleep and nothing happens. But....when I had alcohol it is a whole different story...I feel like I am floating rather then walking. I even ended up in the pool one night at 3am!!

I did crazy things like call my uncle in the middle of the night. Well, he lives in germany so not bad for him, but I can not remember what we spoke about. I remember my 20 year old daughter telling me that I was talking to myself and I just wanted to go out and have fun. I just felt great. I had no hallucinations just my mind was weird. It was as if I was just myself. Without thinking I blabber about but no fear of offending someone. Like this was my inner me.

Well, this don't work on insomia for me at all. I just want to party. Thanks for this site,

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97770
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Feb 21, 2013Views: 2,336
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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