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Universal Blowout
Citation:   Anonymous. "Universal Blowout: An Experience with 2C-B (exp97798)". Feb 1, 2021.

  50 mg smoked 2C-B
    smoked Cannabis
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco
My report is long after the case, the dream is quite vivid.

I had a few drinks and I'm a smoker, other than that, I had not had any marijuana or other drugs. I had taken a nap, with no memory of dreams. At the time, I was living on my own in a small one room apartment. I was awoken by a buddy I had smoked some weed with but did not know all too well. I'm an experienced smoker and I trip frequently.

Originally we were to smoke some weed and maybe trip or just chill out, but he had the idea to bring another drug I was unfamiliar with.

Accordingly, I was actually very excited to hear this, and I was not aware that it was 2-CB until I asked him what it was (I was somewhat bummed that it only looked like a form of salt, so I asked what it was, as I don't normally do synthetics during a method of healing). I ALWAYS ask what I'm doing before I take the drug. But at the time, the name had very much of a mouthful and I made the mistake of not researching ANYTHING about it before we smoked.

The only piece of evidence I had that everything would be OK is the fact that he said he had taken it before, it would feel alright, everything is going to be GREAT.

We used a water pipe as a method of inhalation, as a recommendation to receive the quickest method of feeling high, without any sorts of burning in the nose or upset stomach. There is also some marijuana used in this experiment, as burning the powdery salt without a screen would prevent the method from working.

How much is hard to say, but the bowl isn't too large. I took a few heavy inhales and didn't feel a thing, except a mild 'airy' feeling from an initial smoke; that is easy to get used to. I want to bear in mind that before this took place, I made a sort of initiation in my mind, 'Please Make This Work, I'm Aiming As High as I Can Go, Forget The Floor'.

There are no other words I can use to describe the feeling when such a moment occurs. All of my moments and memories are visible for once. Everything of importance is no longer kept inside of me. I can SEE!

Very shortly after the smoke, I could see a flow of colors, images, like paper thin realities, moments, coming from it seemed my beating center, but it originated in my hands. Regardless, this visibility and the images I saw were akin to worldly issues, some issues of my own self, and prominently images of THE SELF. By Self, I'm pointing at self among we. My buddy could see the astonishment in my eyes, I recall him asking what I was seeing but I literally could not describe anything, I felt as if someone was covering my mouth. In the air I could feel an ominous dark cloud...

Within these moments, I'm 'allowed' to let out the descriptions of beauty, but not ugly, or downright insane. My buddy begins to become a sitter, and I'm losing my $hit... Not good I tell myself, gotta pull yourself together man!

Too late. Or so, I thought... my body becomes a bit of a shaky, tremory mess for a moment after. I feel cold. I need to move, instead I tell my self to standstill. It works, a bit. My buddy can't really do anything, but he's talking. I'm able to talk, a little. The toughest part is losing physical communication. These tremors exist for a short while, as the drug layers from the initial head 'trauma' to an existence in the body. I'm beginning to feel better, as I was initially bored after my 'images' were released into the 'ether'. I was expecting something more after such an exciting POP! It came.

From here, it's important to note the trip is remaining in the apartment, and it's only us two. Here, I see something strange. There are grid lines everywhere, I never saw them appear... I note the colors. They look red, blue, yellow, but enough of that! Why are they there? Who knows! POOF!

It begins to become even more strange. I feel this tinge in my gut that it's us two. Just me. And him. Forever. I keep telling myself how ridiculous this sounds! I want to form a sentence, describe something, I can't. I even recall that when I said there were lines all over the floor (and seen outside - everywhere), that the memory of them being there was quickly fading into a 'lapse' or 'whats next?'.

All I remember for a long while is this deep laughter like the universe is pulling a massive prank. I'm choking, I'm getting the giggles, can't stop! I change my focus to Love, I'm still looking at my buddy, and I'm thinking even more ridiculously, how can I fall in love if we're all that's left!? But I still love you man!

I'm almost calming down but I'm telling myself inside that I can't really say if this going to 'fall' quickly, or if this was going hit more peaks. There are more peaks. A lot of them. I can not remember all of them after some of these following moments. There are black outs, whiteouts, colors, 'paint', episodes, beauty, death, among things. And the most amazing feelings I've ever felt.
There are black outs, whiteouts, colors, 'paint', episodes, beauty, death, among things. And the most amazing feelings I've ever felt.

I could think of some other people I had known in my regular life, but this drug I had drugged myself with was flushing me away. I could only come up with one good idea for me and my buddy, as I could tell he was getting bored of me not really speaking or doing anything. He offered a cigarette but I'm afraid I can't even control myself to smoke - I get that feeling again that I'm losing control. He offers a drink but I'm oddly not in the mood. I put too much emphasis on the new drug. He has his control, I don't, a smoker that can't even smoke.

It's at this point I suggest we go outside, we bump into a neighbor, and I look ecstatic, but I'm still keeping all of this energy inside me and I just have to run. We're getting sweaty, my buddies shirt is soaked, I'm soaked, like I've been running all day. I'm not sure if could get dehydrated here, but I'm running. WOW

Running on drugs is an amazing feeling. I could feel like 'light' steps were being heard, felt, I could run faster than I'd ever run before, with more fluidity, like every single 'step' like every single bend, creak, joint, wall, bounce, ripple, everything was being felt. I knew I couldn't run far though - I'd be breaking my promise to stay with my buddy, but I was feeling invincible.

WAM! Out of nowhere there's a cigarette in my hands, and I'm chasing the cigarette. It's like I'm holding a video camera, and watching a tape in reverse. The cigarette is so hot I can't even touch it, and I'm not even aware of how I had lit a cigartte in the first place. The cigarette gets thrown into the ether. From here, all I can feel is EXISTENCE. But a prominence in NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL is lingering. The run and the smoke and this drug have me feeling a bond between the floor and my head that's feeling rather much like a balloon.

I'm a very nice person, and I don't meet very many mean people. If people want to be mean, they should tell themselves all they want. I'm getting a little bit of a high horse feeling, and I'm feeling antsy, so I tell my buddy that I need some room, and that the drug is working well for me, but it's as if me and the 'drug' need some alone time.

No problem. I give him a good hand on the sweaty back and I'm in my apartment. I'm feeling the ground again - I'm seeing a sky changing colors, my vision is insanely acute like I'm being chased by a cheetah. Besides this 'racy' gotta do something mode, I feel incredibly mild and almost sedating by the love of the world that I'm living in.

Now from here on out - I feel like someone inside is burning me with questions, since it's realized I'm bored carrying every card. Questions like what it would feel like to be immortal, or mortal, or questions like what it would be like if you choose when to exist, or if existence was forced. Very odd questions, but hundreds if not thousands of them are racing through my mind with answers, in a form or method of visualizing them, embracing them, or letting them go.

Now I don't know what world you live on, but in my world everything is the same color everyday. I could NOT get over how colorful and bright and free flowing everything had become in light of this drug. In light of the drug, I began smelling this thing - but I'm becoming scared because at the same time, this was and remains an incredibly thin tight rope I had been running across - more dumb mistakes ahead.

From here until the end, the drug is consuming me, and I remind myself of a place where I'd relax, a smoke, some weed, a friend. Then I realize I can't even pick up and dial a phone, let alone talk, because there's an invisible inertia coming through me that wants to me dance alone and look like a fool dancing alone, or dance with everyone when I can't find anyone...

My dreams were taking over again. There was a fine line I was talking over, and from reality and being awake, I feel like I had been stabbed a thousand times in the heart - not literally - but on the subject.

I recall that there was a lot of the world that I was wanting to forget, and not much I recall that I needed to remember. No problem. All I want to do is dance. Vibrate. I walk through my room - things get worse again.

On the point of this drug, I have 'colors', good vibrations, great feelings. In my mind, I don't need to 'recognize' these. In responce, I start getting 'whipped' with negative energies. The feeling of being alone forever, the feeling of no longer knowing oneself, the feeling of no longer existing, the feeling of losing someone or oneself.

It's like someone was filming my life from an internal camera, and they wanted to know what I did and didn't appreciate. Now I'm all for the great intentions, but there were some wicked feelings I had tied inside me. My body was vanishing, all I had was a line somwhere 'between' the real world, and some killer dreamy state.

The color of my trip was coming from the world I was living in, these testbeds of feelings and vibrations, to somewhere that either doesn't or doesn't exist, somewhere I'm not even sure how I was allowed into. All I could do was watch. I was completely out of control at this point, and this man, or 'ME', was walking through something stuck in statue, or on the wall.

I can't describe what it was, just because it is quite disturbing, but I can describe the watery, liquid color, the state of 'sharp' becoming something like 'felt' or 'feel', like the world had realized everything painful and pleasureable and did away with it completely. In my actual dreams I usually can feel and do whatever I want - I can still have nightmares and awesome/weird fantasies. Here, on this drug, this 'watery' world was clashing with my 'universal weirdness'.

I was reconciling what it would feel like to die. If I recall, I was actually able to, but since this is a drug and I'm typing this now, I never really did. I did end up getting hurt, but only because I screamed for no reason but to make a prank, and it woke up a neighbor I guess and they called the cops for a disturbance.

However, at this point, $hit really started hitting the fan and I'm falling into a giant clock that theoretically could pick a time. I'm losing my vision and it won't stop - in other words - I need to knock myself out but I can't, and I've probably awoke a neighbor because I really am getting into some deep, deep trouble. BLACK/WHITE, NO FLOOR, NO HEAD, NO CONTROL

I had probably become bored as my head begins running out of 'mystical energy' or rendering any more ideas seemed all too tiring or pointless. I was somewhat booned with the idea, as all I wanted to do was have fun, but somwhere involved in this trip was a lot of pent up emotional energy and I had about enough of it
all I wanted to do was have fun, but somwhere involved in this trip was a lot of pent up emotional energy and I had about enough of it

On the subject of death, I feel like I was perhaps shot and killed, as I felt a great deal of watery color all over me, but I felt no pain. It felt something like being tickled or splashed with endless buckets of wet paint that sort of wants to dry. But I couldn't see anything, I was BLACKED OUT. For a good while before I was running out of energy, I felt a bit like I was blinded by this intense flashing of black/white, and I wasn't sure if I could ever get it to stop and get my life back on wheels. I was losing my SELF, and losing interest in the trip, when I should have embraced it, but I was attempting to make it end, when in all honesty I was still coming DOWN (OR UP?) from the most intense visualizations I had ever experienced. It's as if I needed something to move, I'm telling myself to stop, and something is angry with me because it wants me either awake or asleep, but I'm stuck in a light switch. The drug is rubbing up against my crown's center and trying to put me to sleep when someone is WIDE awake, I presume. It wouln't stop. I'm not sure how I went so fast from amazing water colors to reality in black or white, but I needed some material quick and I had lost everything. I couldn't see a single thing! I needed to contact someone but I had no method of contacting anyone, and now was I never sure if I COULD sleep AGAIN!?

As ridiculous as this all sounds, I had to 'invent' something in my mind, but my 'mind' doesn't allow me to 'lie' unless I 'make' one. I couldn't lie in this dream world. Everything seemed as though its intent must have been real, or your were only assuming a lie. I must have been making a lie to myself then, because there's no way I'd have ever slept again neither got my $hit together and left, without the help of a paramedic and some sort of convincing method of calling one, because I could not get my 'SELF' to call one without rubbing somewhen in the wrong way - my self wouldn't let me see a doctor unless I got hurt, and I'm not the type to hurt oneself. I can't recall if I was a complete jerk and got shot and killed, or no one ever came, but I was able to see the broken window and some cuts on my ankles. I couldn't DRAG myself out of how awfully annoying the system destruction had become, I'M TRIPPED OVER BALLS

I had lost myself however, and I had no way to pick up a phone having no vision or feeling or anything, ALL SENSE was going, I only had a method of thinking - but I can't think because this urge is behind me trying to push me out of control. From the moment it happened or how I got it to happen I'm not really sure, but there was some broken glass and some blood, but I had gotten all my senses back and I felt ZERO pain. However, I was probably like a gorilla or frankenstein, because it took MANY people to get my body under control. From there I had this great deal of feelings internally I could have gotten through but I couldn't mutter a word - as it's the same place that had taken EVERY SENSE from me, and THROWN EVERY SENSE back at me, like someone shot me through outer space, climbed out of the ground like a walking zombie, grabbed some clothes, and 'blended in'.

I was asked to see a psychiatrist but they told me to go home.

I would still try this drug again. With some music, or ANYTHING, I can at least distract myself from the bored thing living under bed. When I was on the hospital bed, I managed to hit the hay thinking about a smoke. I woke up not knowing how I was there - but these images wanted to come back, and since then I still can't come up with a good reason why I fell into a light switch.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 97798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 1, 2021Views: 886
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), First Times (2)

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