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Strange Strange Stroke-Like Reaction
Citation:   fuckdapolicia. "Strange Strange Stroke-Like Reaction: An Experience with LSD (exp97947)". Apr 20, 2017.

      Vitamins / Supplements
Bout my 30th time doing acid, never had any bad reactions before (few bad trips, but I consider myself pretty experienced).

Last night I dose (about 200 micrograms), wait about 2 maybe 3 hours, and find myself very twitchy and unable to relax. The acid seemed very pure and did what I expected it to do, however my body was being utterly uncooperative; I was extremely twitchy and weak in all my muscles, I could hardly grip with a third the strength I normally could, and I legitimately had to try to stay conscious. I got heat flashes and extreme dizziness and almost passed out a couple handfuls of times. This was bad about the 3rd to the 5 maybe 6th hour of my trip, then I just felt weird and lightheaded until I went to bed, about 10 to 12 hours later.

I had plenty of water that night, ate a well-balanced meal, and even took vitamins to ensure that wasn't the problem. Also I showered and laid down for an hour, neither helped me out of this feeling. I woke up this morning a tad weird, and after a meal and shower I was perfect again. No symptoms all day long. I am soo weirded out. Going to a hospital tomorrow to get checked out.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97947
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 20, 2017Views: 1,485
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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