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Notes 1 - Flipped or Folded
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   MrMindplays. "Notes 1 - Flipped or Folded: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp97986)". Nov 10, 2020.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  0.25 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
MrMindplays Salvia Notes 1

Researching scientific papers about the consciousness problems, I kept seeing two chemicals that are creating experiences similar to OBE or NDE, which are Ketamine and Salvia Divinorum.

So I had 10X Salvia Extract that I was planning to try “chewing/holding under tongue” method but searching further I saw that that wouldn’t supposed to work with extracts. Anyways, I tried 0.25 gr of 10X extract and put it in my mouth and start chewing. I kept it in my mouth for 35 mins with all the saliva my mouth created and nothing happened. Then I spit it out.

At the moment I didn’t have any pipe or bong (I actually never ever used one in my life) to smoke it but I wanted to give it a try by emptying half of the tobacco in a cigarette and putting in 0.25 gr of salvia. Then I lighted the cigarette (keeping the lighter burning since Salvia requires very high temperatures). I got all the salvia burnt up with 3 puffs. I kept the last one for 30 secs and exhaled, after which I started to feel some weird things happening. Since I was very alert due to all the warnings about salvia experiences, I decided to run to my bed to be safe (from unintentionally hurting myself) before it hit me. My bed was like 10 meters away from where I smoked it. And basically my first salvia experience is all about this few seconds between me started to run to the bed and reached it:

As soon as I stood up I felt like I was half of my actual height. As I started to run I was feeling a bit disoriented but not as much as not to be able to find my way to my bed. The funny thing was while my left side was in the reality, my right side was in a different realm where there were hills and a lake and I was running for a long time to be able to reach somewhere. My right side was feeling that people were calling me to somewhere. My left was fully in my living room. It took like 2 seconds for my left side to reach the bed but it took like minutes for my right side to run over the grass by the hills and lake and reach to the bushes where I was supposed to hide.

When I reached the bed I grabbed the quilt and covered myself but as it touched my skin it felt like my skin was burning. Also on the other realm I reached the bushes and I was covering myself with bushes and people were telling I did it, I reached there…

At this moment I felt like being flipped or folded into some spiral steps and eventually found myself totally awake in reality. Whole experience took like 10-15 secs but my right side perceived it to be much longer.

I had a bit of salvia left, I created another cigarette with it. The amount of salvia in it was much less this time. I smoked the part with salvia almost in a single breath, put the cigarette back on the ashtray, exhaled after 20-25 secs and put my face on the sofa while sitting on the carpet floor. Then I saw a view of trees and some stone building… maybe like the main street of a small rural village but it disappeared within a few seconds. The felling was like I saw an instant of the same realm that I had encountered in the first trip, but I couldn’t get in there.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 599
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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