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I Have Never Been Happier in My Life
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   LSDlove. "I Have Never Been Happier in My Life: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp98028)". Jul 31, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 8:30   smoked Cannabis  
The Best Experience of My Life

I don't know why LSD is portrayed as a scary drug that takes you to bad places. The first time I tried it, even though anxious as all hell before I placed the tab on my tongue, was unquestionably the most INCREDIBLE experience I have ever had in my life.

I was at a camping festival with my boyfriend, 2 best friends and a few other close friends and we all tried LSD for the first time. We had all experimented with copious amounts of cannabis but never anything more intense than that. Me and my boyfriend had been speaking of trying acid for a long time and it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The week leading up to that friday was a long and anxious wait. We dropped the tabs around 12:30pm after we had set up in the paddock where we would be staying for the next 2 nights. I was nervous while I swished the tab around my mouth, but perfectly calm while I was waiting for it to hit.

About 40 minutes after the 4 of us had dropped, the LSD was beginning to take full hold of my mind – and it was amazing. It was just like my everyday reality, but I was finally completely switched on.
It was just like my everyday reality, but I was finally completely switched on.
I was using parts of my brain and my senses that I didn’t even know existed. I could see, hear and feel things that I had never felt.

We soon discovered a river just down from where out campsite was and ended up spending what ended up being a good 5 hours exploring. I felt absolutely euphoric; I had never been happier in my life as I was for the 12 hour trip the single tab took me on. The leaves in the river were fluorescent pink, orange and green, a whole colour spectrum under the water. The world was pulsating, the trees breathing and the sky a kaleidoscope of the most amazing patterns. I could feel my heart beating in sync with the universe. The leaves were crushing under my feet, and I could feel the sound that they were making as I walked over them.

There was not a single negative thought in my mind; nothing could change my state of happiness and love for everything around me. The words coming from my mouth were from some higher part of my consciousness that all of a sudden understood that life is meant to be simple.

At about 9:00pm, 8.5 hours into the trip, we decided to smoke a few joints, mainly to get my appetite back due to the cramping hunger in my stomach as I hadn’t eaten all day (the only negative of LSD I can find). This was a FABULOUS idea. Immediately after my first hit, I could feel the trip going right back into its peak, but even more intense than before. The visuals turned right up; shadows on the tent became full colour images constantly changing shape forming new patterns. The tarp above me was like an ocean and the simple game of fruit ninja was like a new years eve firework display.

I was again in a state of complete bliss that lasted me until 1:30am. In this time I also had the most mind blowing sex I have ever had in my life. I lost all concept of where I was in the world and became what felt like a part of my boyfriend.

All in all, I can hardly explain the experience in words… Nothing does it justice! It was honestly the best time I have had in my whole life.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98028
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 739
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LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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