Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Tapping on the Windows of the Infinite
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Drayke. "Tapping on the Windows of the Infinite: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp9810)". Feb 25, 2002.

25 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
Joe (Elf also known to some by Elfstar) had purchased these interesting seeds from an herbal supplier. He had showed them to me and told me what they were. We both weren’t sure exactly what they would do.

When nightfall approached we smashed around 35-50 seeds on a board with a hammer and we were slightly regretful of not scrapping the outer seed coat on the seeds. Joe and me were not exactly sure what they would do. I guess you could say the element of surprise is a very, very wonderful thing.

We loaded up all the seeds and threw them into a water bottled were they were infused with water. Joe and me started taking drinks of this strange hallucinogenic brew, and we had no idea what was going to happen other than the fact that we were going to trip. As I slowly but gradually took sips I felt it was 100% horrible. I could feel chunks sliding down my throat. Just the feeling-not the taste made me incredibly nauseous. After the first gag I was ready to blow. Joe took down around a 1/4 to 1/3 of the mixture and said he could drink no more. It was hard to drink it, but something inside me said drink more. At last I finished the bottle. Two minutes had passed. 'Joe I’m going to puke' I said, and I did just that.

Joe said the toilet was kind of like an altar. In a way all of your toxins physical and spiritual release. I couldn't take gagging anymore, so I stuck my finger down my throat. It took three times to really get something, but I let all of it out. As I was vomiting I felt as if I was pushing out all of my negative energy with it. All my pain, all my sorrow, all my hate, and all my inner demons gone. I just let go of everything, even reality.

I opened my eyes in the toilet and the acids I had vomited up were so strong my eyes began to burn. Just thinking about it today makes them water. In a way it was like my eyes were being cleansed. I kept my eyes closed and I began to look up towards the ceiling and something just took over...

I saw a tunnel. It looked like clouds almost and it was layered. It started out in a magnificent purplish blue and worked its way to red orange yellow, and finally at the center a bright, bright light. I looked at that light and became one with it. My whole energy field (aura) just change. It was like becoming one with nature, chaos, and creation. I felt like I touched what souls were made out of. Feelings of pure bliss ran through my body and soul. My mind felt cleansed and whole. Everything was clear. Every question I had ever had was answered. Game reality was lost to my eyes, and dream was seen ever so clear. There were no complications, thing were viewed ever so simple and clear. Nothing was confusing. I opened my eyes and began to observe. I looked at the ceiling and saw the same tunnel.

Joe and me headed back to his room. The room was lit by candle. Hallucinations and visions seem to be more dominant in a room dim rather than full of bright light.

I described to Joe what I saw, and told him to let go of all his pain and everything else to. We both looked at the ceiling and saw the same thing-the tunnel. In a way on a spiritual level I feel we became one. In the sense that that we could look into each others eyes and know what we were thinking. We both understood what it was and we both became one with that light. We both shared the same experience. It was the most beautiful and purest thing I had ever seen. It was like our conscious thoughts were stripped and all that was left was our true states of mind.

I was very observant on this plane (or high). I watched Joe’s Celtic rug on the wall as the Celtic ribbons lifted off three-dimensionally and started slowly spinning then going back into place. The walls changed different colors such as purple and blue when I was up close to them almost in the dark.

I've never shared such a profound spiritual and mystical experience in my entire life with anyone like that. The feeling I felt on that plane I felt for three days. A feeling of true content. I will cherish it in my mind and heart always as I cherish my friendship with Joe.

Joe died sadly in a car wreck off of Hwy 217 in between Tijeras and Edgewood New Mexico a few years ago. They said he fell asleep at the wheel. What can I say? I miss the guy. If he were here today I’d thank him for making such an impact on my life and those around me. He once told me 'If I die don't mourn, celebrate my life, and celebrate yours too.’ I did just that.

Thanks Joe...

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 9810
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2002Views: 17,298
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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