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Recipe for Withdrawals
Loperamide, Paroxetine & Acetaminophen (for withdrawal from oxycodone)
Citation:   Sleepdust. "Recipe for Withdrawals: An Experience with Loperamide, Paroxetine & Acetaminophen (for withdrawal from oxycodone) (exp98136)". May 4, 2016.

32 mg oral Loperamide  
  20 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
  500 mg oral Acetaminophen  
A decade-long abuser of opioids, I had recently run out of supplies, which happens more often than I'd like, and wanted to stave off withdrawal symptoms as I work nearly every night.

Normal dose of 50 mg oxycodone three times a day for a total of 150 mg oxycodone was stopped completely after a four-month binge. Typical withdrawal symptoms appeared after 12 hours of stoppage. SAWS (sudden acute withdrawal symptoms) manifested within 24 hours. These included severe discomfort, sweating without exercise, cold and hot flashes and waves, cramps, nausea, RLS-type symptoms, over-emotional sympathies, crying, muscle tremors and spasms, headache, supreme dysphoria, longing, loneliness, and more.

32 hours into SAWS, I took this cocktail of drugs. I will first list the dosages and then why I took them.

0:00: 32 mg loperamide hcl
0:00: 20 mg paroxetine hcl
0:00: 500 mg acetaminophen (APAP, Tylenol)

Loperamide is an opioid that has an extremely difficult time crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Therefore it is available over-the-counter as an anti-diahrreal agent at 2 mg per tablet. There are shady ways of increasing the amount of loperamide that crosses the BBB - Loperamide is kept from crossing the BBB via P-glycoprotein(P-gp). P-gp essentially sweeps away things like loperamide as soon as they attempt to cross the BBB. Paxil (paroxetine hcl) is a P-gp inhibitor that I was already taking previous to this at 20 mg/day for anxiety.

Already mentioned was how I take Paxil 20 mg/day. This is relevant as Paxil is a P-gp inhibitor, allowing more loperamide to cross the BBB.

APAP is one of the shittiest analgesics available, but anything to help with the pain is welcome. I gladly took 500 mg.

T+4:00h: It takes quite a while for loperamide to begin to stave off withdrawals, but if I am patient, I will be withdrawal-free half a day later. This worked for me and allowed me to get through work without crying or falling asleep. Keep in mind that there are opioid receptors in your intestines, so loperamide crossing the BBB isn't what combats withdrawals. It is simply occupying your opioid receptors and keeping you from feeling like shit.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 4, 2016Views: 9,949
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Loperamide (459), Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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