American horror story
Citation:   Kman1898. "American horror story: An Experience with 2C-I (exp98143)". Nov 15, 2012.

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40 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
Yesterday I had my fifth experience with 2c-I. I was in for a crazy journey. To give you a background, I am an experienced user having taken LSD 2000 micrograms, MDMA (molly) 1.5 g, Ketamine .5 g, Mushrooms 7 g, DOC 2 hits,  marijuana, bk-MDMA 1.5 g, bk-PMMA 300 mg insuflated, 2c-e 30 mg insuflated, 2c-p 15 mg,  2C-I-NBOMe 2 hits complexed and 2C-E-NBOMe 15 hits complexed.

I received some 2c-I from an online vendor. I carefully weighed out 20 mg and then put my scale away. Getting confident I eyeballed another 20 mg, so who knows coulda been more. I downed all 40 mg quickly and I chased it down with some coca cola and began watching game of thrones with my fiancé. Ten minutes in my girl fell asleep so I began my journey alone.  About 30 minutes in I fell asleep aswell, big mistake.  My fiancé woke up an hour in and it caused me to awaken. The problem was that since I fell asleep I didn't realize that I was tripping, my brain tricked me into thinking my trippy visuals were reality.  My girlfriend began to watch the newest episode of American horror story and told me I was tripping. This began my crazy trip in the insane asylum. The rest of the night I was talking straight nonsense to my girl and I have whole chunks of my night missing.  I was completely mind fucked.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98143
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 15, 2012Views: 760
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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