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Mixed With Sugar
Citation:   Ride SIlence. "Mixed With Sugar: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp9815)". Nov 1, 2004.

15 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I take anywhere from 10-20 grams (10-14g for first time) of ground nutmeg and pour it into a cup with approximately the same amount of sugar (The sugar is only to mask the HORRIBLE taste of large amounts of nutmeg). Mix well, then pour in about 5-8 oz. of water and stir for 10-30 seconds, making sure there are no chunks of powder stuck together. Drink it (Be ready for a bad flavor, just know that it's nothing compared to just nutmeg and water). There will probably still be some of the bigger grains of nutmeg left at the bottom of the cup, make sure to put water back in and drink those too. Usually within 4-6 hours, the symptoms should start working. They last anywhere from 8-24 hours, and the only thing that I know that makes a difference is the last meal I ate, depending on how much and how long ago I ate. I usually drink it between 12-1 am, so that when I wake up, I’m already high and will be for usually the day.

For me and the four people I know who have tried it, the symptoms were nearly identical. A lot of them are about the same for me as smoking one, high quality, tightly packed bowl. Increased senses, munchies, confusion, increased sex drive and heightened orgasms, memory loss, red eyes, dry mouth, laughing, impaired motor skills, and probably some other ones I don't remember (most days that I have done nutmeg it’s quite difficult to remember details the next day). My friends and I become even more social than we usually are, but are usually very honest (we say exactly what comes to mind usually a.k.a. *lowered inhibitions* and have a hard time thinking before acting/talking).

The four biggest downsides that I know of are actually very small compared to most other drugs.
1) Sickness
2) Dependability
3) Time from ingestion to when effects start.
4) Taste.

1) My friend felt like he was on the verge of throwing up all day long, but never puked. Along with that, he had bad gas pain. I had bad gas pain too, but this has happened only once to me in the 25 or more times I have done it, and only twice in a group of 5 people who have done it around 75 times total, so its not too bad.

2) I don't know what it is, maybe it’s because we ate before we took it or something, but every once in a while we never get the effects.

3) It’s usually within 4-6 hours from when you drink it to when you start feeling high.

4) Before I decided to mix in sugar, a friend and I tried it without sugar the first couple times, and it tasted so bad that he actually threw up because the taste was so bad.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9815
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 17,946
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