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Incredible Positives with Incredible Drawbacks
Citation:   Anon2012. "Incredible Positives with Incredible Drawbacks: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp98240)". Erowid.org. Jan 2, 2018. erowid.org/exp/98240

T+ 0:00
72 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 8 oz oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:00 72 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
This report will serve mainly to provide empirical evidence related to the reactions and side effects I observed while under the effects of this drug. I do not have ADHD, I am perfectly healthy, but am a spiritual experimenter. I will provide my actual experience afterward.

Increased emotion, by an order of magnitude
Patience when needed
Focus and interest when needed
Deep conversation and understanding
Tighter (more accurate) muscle control at speed

Awareness of multiple thoughts/observations simultaneously
Increased alertness

Impossible to sleep for a minimum of 12 hours after ingestion. Literally.
Incredible dry mouth

I took two 36mg pills at approx 7pm, noticed only placebo, and took another 2 at 8pm. Include approx 8oz of brandy and about a bowl of quality haze marijuana until 9pm. Between 9.30pm and 12am, deep conversation with a friend, along with understanding and patience, even on a religious level, ensued.

Friend did not take the drug, but had brandy and marijuana, passing out at 12am. I only began to be able to locate and latch on to, emotionally, the feeling and state of tiredness by 6am - approx 12 hours after ingestion. Between 12am and 3am, I masturbated for the entire length of time. The only reason I had trouble doing so to completion, aside from the fact that I felt, and desired to do so until the sun rose, was because of multiple thoughts I was aware of, and thinking about, simultaneously. I could say that not having ADHD, this gave it to me temporarily.

I had increased body temperature initially, and temporarily. My blood pressure and heart rate increased twofold, despite liquor and marijuana. I am also a smoker and noted I craved a full cigarette as opposed to a half one, which I normally want. My body was CONSTANTLY feeding itself adrenaline - not to flee, but to react in my interests on a moments notice. My appetite was nonexistent - even with a full bowl of marijuana. I was astounded. Also, due to the need to parch my thirst, I had a full bladder every 30 minutes.

My mind was constantly aware of, and alerted to the things I was conscious of (concerns, fears, surroundings). I mistook the wind, my hair, my head motions, mouth noises, and many more, as my friend waking up to come and discover me masturbating. It was the illusion of paranoia, but instead of fear, it was a cause and effect relationship.

Are they coming up now? No. I heard something! It must be now! No, focus on what I was doing. I heard it again! I can only best describe it as having 5 of my own voices in my head speaking to me in numerical order. It didn't drown my thoughts, but they all got to me, quickly. I was constantly erect and flaccid throughout the three hours due to this side effect. It does have beneficial purposes, but fear, concern, or a need to react to certain elements in my environment severely exacerbated the level of distraction and anxiety this drug provided.

To conclude, I did not return to baseline until approximately 14-16 hours after ingestion, with no effects of exhaustion. I could mentally note that I had returned to normal - to who I was before I took and experienced this drug.

Today, which is the day after my experience, the day has dragged on. I was anxious to do things, to utilize my body or skills, and somewhat at the top of my list of needs - to consume more of this drug. I would describe the need as compulsory as opposed to addictively. I took my second day dose an hour ago, and can feel come up effects.

I would not take this the night before I have to work. I do not foresee impairment of job duties, but I would predict that the transition from 'under the influence' to 'baseline' would be difficult to adapt to in a pressing environment, and may ruin my day.

I hope I've covered everything. Be safe, and good luck.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98240
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 2, 2018Views: 2,290
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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