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Like a Healthy Cigarette in a Cup
Skullcap & Passion Flower
Citation:   Frogger. "Like a Healthy Cigarette in a Cup: An Experience with Skullcap & Passion Flower (exp98266)". Apr 6, 2018.

1.2 g oral Skullcap (leaves)
  1.2 g oral Passion Flower (leaves)
At least 15 times now I have made a tea combining dried Skullcap & Passionflower. I make the tea with 1.2g of dried crushed skullcap leaves and 1.2g of dried crushed passionflower leaves. Does not sound like much, but it is a strong tasting tea (tastes great with honey). Its good to bring the tea to a boil. I let it stand 10-15 minutes. My personality in general: easygoing, relaxed, introverted, no depression, very little stress. Here are my thoughts on the tea:

> Calming peaceful opiate like effect. But not overwhelming at all. I can still go about my day and get done whatever needs to get done without feeling like a useless blob. At times the tea will make me feel slightly tingly/numb, but not in a bad way. Like someone just gave me a good full body massage. Looser feeling I guess. Nothing hallucinogenic or mind altering. Not like weed, other than depending on how strong I make it, I can really lay back and feel at-ease. Similar to a cigarette. Like the feeling I get when I smoke a cigarette after not having one for a while.

> Time varies, but I would suppose the feeling lasts maybe 1- 1 ½ hours or so altogether with effects kicking in 10 minutes after drinking. Letting it sit in the mouth a few extra seconds before swallowing definitely helps absorption.

> Strong unique taste. Almost has the sharpness and aftertaste of mint tea.

Anyway, I have always tried these 2 together so I cannot say which one gives what feeling.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98266
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 6, 2018Views: 1,873
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Passion Flower (121), Skullcap (232) : Combinations (3), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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