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Tunnel Vision and Intense Euphoria
Citation:   chazdmt. "Tunnel Vision and Intense Euphoria: An Experience with DMT (exp98282)". Mar 21, 2018.

50 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
When it was my turn, I took a huge first hit, held it for 10 seconds, and by the time I exhaled my vision was dissolving like quicksand before my eyes and all anxiety went away, but I forced myself to keep my eyes open, took one more hit, and collapsed back on to the bed. I started hearing a weird hum, and then like a ton of bricks to the face, I was immediately fucking launched into hyperspace. There was a giant tornado made of swirling geometric patterns that started from what looked liked millions of miles in the sky, and then was blasting right into my forehead.

By this point I must say that it was the most orgasmic, sexual feeling, it was actually better than anything I have ever felt, the euphoria was so intense. And at the center of this crazy tornado made of patterns was this intense bright white light
at the center of this crazy tornado made of patterns was this intense bright white light
, and I could hear and feel the DMT trying to pull me toward the light in the center of the tunnel. I wanted to give into it but didn't for some reason, then at that point everything changed, all of a sudden I was in a grid made of green lines sort of like in the film Tron, everything was moving so fast, and I could change between seeing in 360 degrees and from my point of view whenever I wanted, and then I looked at my hands, and could see right through my skin, and my veins looked psychedelic and were on also fire, and then from my finger tips were all of these helix patterns that look liked DNA structure. Every where I looked I started seeing these.

Eventually I faded out and just woke up, as if I was coming out of a dream. For a few hours after I felt high, and euphoric, almost like I had a massage. The weird thing is that I know it can even get more intense than that, but it did confirm for me at least that there is much more than what we think as just living and dying.

There is no comparison to the DMT. It wasn't like I was thinking these things, I was literally thrown into another world and was totally conscious and experiencing. The complexity and beauty of the things was experiencing was beyond my creativity, it didn't seem possible for a human mind to create the experience, it seemed so other worldly and spiritual.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 21, 2018Views: 853
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DMT (18) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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