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Festival of Holi
Citation:   curve. "Festival of Holi: An Experience with Cannabis (exp98299)". Nov 1, 2024.

T+ 0:00
4-5 hits smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:30 3 hits smoked Cannabis
  T+ 1:15 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
Holi is a Hindu festival where people play with colors and water. We also drink 'bhaang' which is a cool milk drink with cannabis in it (it's legal and also regulated by Indian government).

I have been smoking and eating cannabis for almost 2 years now. Last year in march at the festival of Holi I planned celebrating it with my two closest friends A and E. E had scored the weed for us and rolled up two pretty fat joints. We sat on A's roof and shared our first joint. Note : at that time I have only smoked 3 or 4 times before.

T +00.00 (10:00 AM) : We started smoking the joint. We all were covered with blue yellow green colors (Holi hai...)

T +00.05 : I started feeling a little dizziness in my head. We all took around 4-5 hits till now. We were still on A's roof. As I was new with cannabis my friend E told me how to smoke and hold it in my lungs as long as possible.

T +00.20 : We finished with our first joint, but I felt almost nothing other than dizziness that can be compared with the high I would get from 60ml of scotch.

T +00.30 : We lit up another one of our joints with the expectation that it will get us higher. I light up the joint and took 3 hits continuously.

T +00.40 : We finished almost half of the joint and I was just out of this world. I was suffering from euphoria first time in my life. We played a lot of holi related songs and danced and played holi.

T +00.50 : We finished smoking and went to my car and I started driving to random places I dont even knew were there. We were enjoying music in the car and conversation on another level. The level I didnt knew exists. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
T +01.15 : We reached a 'pan' shop (a shop that sells cigerettes and related products). I smoked a cigerette and thats when things got pretty ugly. My friends were still drinking lemon soda from the 'pan' shop and I was lying on the back seat of my car. I was feeling extreme cotton mouth. No matter how much water I drink I feel it was evaporating as soon as it enters my mouth. I had a feeling that I was about to die. Similar effects I have read from users of nutmeg.

T +01.25 : I was still dying from the weed!! LOL...I prayed and prayed to get me out of this and sweared not to smoke weed again. But nothing seems to help. I drank as much water as I can but it didnt helped my cotton mouth.

T +01.35 : All the pretty effects were long gone and I was under influence of the 'killer weed'. But that too wears off now. So I was able to stand and laugh about what a trip it was. I was so glad I fought that 'near death experience' (It was not actually near death experience but the weed make me feel that).

T +02.10 : After spending some time with my friends I head straight home and took a bath. After that I ate as much as I can but it seems to be going to someplace else rather than in my stomach (I was experiencing munchies for the first time). We had a buffet on our roof as holi celebrations (That I loved because you can eat as much as you can).

T +03.25 : I get back to my room watched Harry Potter 7A in 3D. This was an amazing experience. And after that sleep takes me into her arms. I slept like I never did before.

T +07:00 : I woke up and felt almost no after effects but just a mild headache.

After this experience I made a belief in my mind that weed is a very dangerous drug that I have overdosed. But that didnt stop me from smoking it. I started smoking twice a week after 5 months of the experience and gradually increased from twice a week to 4-5 times a week. Now I smoke daily at least two joints. One in evening and one before sleep.

I must say cannabis is a wonderful drug and I consider myself lucky to be born in India. Here you can buy weed from government authorized shops. That comes usually for the purpose of drinking but you can dry them and smoke too. As Holi is a festival of drinking cannabis but we preferred smoking. On Holi around 40% of the India's population is high.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 98299
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 1, 2024Views: 33
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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