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Awake Alert Allows Time to Pass Quickly
Armodafinil & Clonazepam
Citation:   nuvigilman. "Awake Alert Allows Time to Pass Quickly: An Experience with Armodafinil & Clonazepam (exp98317)". Oct 29, 2020.

250 mg oral Armodafinil
  1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam
I’d like to give a brief drug history so you can have some context regarding my experience. I have been a moderately heavy drug user since I was 16 (22 now). I have used most every pharmaceutical they make; I smoke a good bit of dank and don’t really drink very often. I’ve never used any “hard drugs” like H or Meth. Over the last few months I have been going to NA meetings and trying to get my shit together so I have not been using as heavily here recently. I got a job working overnight shifts, so I went to my psychiatrist for help with excessive sleepiness while at work (average shift 7 pm to 7 am). He prescribed me Nuvigil 250 and Klonopin 0.5 to be taken 4 times daily because I’m also diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).

I picked the scripts up earlier today and I have had a fantastic day as a result! Around 1 pm I took one 250 mg Nuvigil and 2 Klonopin (1 mg total). I didn’t have to be at work ‘til 6 and my doc told me if I feel the effects waning in the late afternoon I could take another half (125 mg) (so, of course, I did haha.) I love Nuvigil because it stimulates, but it doesn’t have the nasty side effects of stimulants like jaw clenching, excessive sweatiness, tachycardia etc. To describe it in one word, it makes me feel alert. I work in an ER charting information for doctors and I was so focused and was able to complete tasks with such ease and accuracy. Sometimes I have trouble keeping up with the pace in the ER, but not today. I was actually finishing my charts before my doctor. :) Also, it makes the time FLY BY! I never have to look up at the clock because I stay so busy and attentive. I should also mention I took a couple Klonopin as rxed throughout the night at work because I had noticed I was getting a little too aggressive and I needed to slow my role a bit. The combo of the Klonopin (at low doses) and the Nuvigil (at higher doses) is just absolutely perfect. I don’t feel inebriated, or like I'm “high,” I am just able to get stuff done with so much ease and accuracy. It doesn’t make me “stimulated,” it just seems to clear the brain fog and allow me to think and act more clearly than I ever have before.

In my experience the stimulating effects last around 10 hours.

I also hope my insurance chooses to cover it ($600 for 30 pills if my insurance denies it). Fingers crossed

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98317
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 29, 2020Views: 1,582
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Armodafinil (507) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Medical Use (47), Performance Enhancement (50), Workplace (51)

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