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Crying For the World
Citation:   Amanda. "Crying For the World: An Experience with Cannabis (exp9833)". Apr 24, 2003.

0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I smoked the half joint slowly. About the third toke I always start coughing uncontrollably. I find it helps to sip on iced water in between. I love the first draw the fragrance and the taste of the pot.

I laid on the sofa and listened to Vivaldi's four seasons. I couldn't believe how the music was filling my head and running down to my toes. My head was filled with images wrought by the music. I was in a garden filled with flowers of every colour. I was there reaching out to them, in the bright sun, marvelling at the green grass. I wanted to stay in the garden forever. I felt so relaxed, so peaceful. There was nothing else. No everyday worries. I looked at myself out of the garden. I laughed at me, laying there on the sofa.

I walked along looking up at trees moving softly in the breeze. The music was playing on. The trees were trembling to Vivaldi's violin. I saw a large mushroom and sitting on the cap was a plump, laughing, fairy child.

Then I was out of the garden, spinning in a coloured vortex. The music took over and I was in a giant cathedral looking up between vast gothic arches. The stone walls and floor made me shiver, so I pulled a blanket over myself. I keep it right there on the sofa, as I often feel chilled when I'm high. Then I was sailing out the stained glass windows, trailing the red, yellows and blues behind me in a vapour trail. I floated to the moon and dripped tears onto the world beneath.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9833
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2003Views: 8,893
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