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Third Trip Sucked
Citation:   Kaleidescopehead. "Third Trip Sucked: An Experience with DXM (exp9844)". Jun 20, 2007.

0.5 capsls oral DXM
The first time I did DXM, I downed a bottle of robo. I got very very fucked up. This was before I'd done acid or mushrooms or anything but pot. I enjoyed it but it's really only good to get fucked up on. It wasn't beneficial in any way I can decipher other than, I think when i is ripped from reality the whole experience teaches ME a thing or two about being so damn certain all the time.

The second time I did it, I had to go to school and coordinate my schedule or something I didn't feel like being sober. I and a friend of mine took a little dose of pure powder about three hours before we had to go to school. I wouldn't call it a trip, I guess a really light one, but I was pretty much back to baseline by time I went to do my schedule. It was tame and a lot of fun. This was my best DXM experience.

So last Saturday I got that feeling. School's a bummer, smoking pot has sort of started making me feel unpleasant, I want to trip. Five of us took some dex powder. I don’t know how much for sure. It set on while I was downtown (small college town) at a concert to benefit the Red Cross. It sets on sort of sloppy.

So I’m walking around sort of dizzy getting a little fucked up, having fun. Then we go to my friends house. During this trek it really set on. Confusion man. Confusion and a heavy fucking buzz. Tripping, but not really able to enjoy it, too fucked up. Then comes the fear. Oh shit I’m having a bad trip. We entered into the house. My friend is not there, her mother's roommate is. We're in a house tripping on a very bizarre one and the house's rightful occupant doesn't even know we're there.

For the next five hours or so I wanted to die, I thought I was going to die, I just wanted time to pass. A friend who was having fun hugged me. It helped. Later another one was rubbing my back. This helped. Human contact helped a lot but all in all, that was a terror purer than I have ever fathomed. I’m done with that one man. Dxm isn't something I really want to mess with anymore. But I bet I might at some point anyway.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9844
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2007Views: 1,350
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DXM (22) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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