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Definitely Worth Study
Citation:   RCTester. "Definitely Worth Study: An Experience with MT-45 (exp98544)". Nov 15, 2014.

50 mg oral MT-45 (powder / crystals)
I acquired a sample of this substance, not having much experience with opiates.

This is supposedly an opiate analog that is 80% as potent as Morphine. I'd have to say from my initial study, that the statement is correct.

After researching thoroughly on various forums, I determined threshold oral dosage was 20 mg, and most recommendations suggested ~50 mg to start. After ingesting 1 mg allergy dose and waiting a few days, I downed 50 mg oral mixed into some juice. The taste is horrid, and even after mixing thoroughly into liquid, it hangs on the back of your throat making you gag.

At T+1 hour I was feeling pretty good, mood lift, slight euphoria in the chest, but nothing overwhelming. Almost exactly like a morphine sulfate instant release.

There may have been some residual Marijuana in my system before ingestion which may have increased the effects.

It was very pleasant, but not overwhelming. More of a background high...

Noticeable effects lasted approximately 5-6 hours, with the peak being around 1.5-3.

I felt no discernible after-affects, nor desire to re-dose.

I have 50 mg left of this substance, and I will attempt another test by insufflation.

If I had more of the substance to research, I'd try another oral dose of 75 mg - 90 mg, though I'm glad I played it safe and initial dosed at 50 mg. Better safe than sorry.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 15, 2014Views: 5,344
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