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You Have to Experiment the Right Way
Citation:   swimmerman89. "You Have to Experiment the Right Way: An Experience with Dronabinol (exp98713)". Dec 25, 2012.

    Pharms - Dronabinol (daily)
I was diagnosed with gastroparesis (stomach paralysis) with associated chronic nausea, vomitting and abdominal pain about 3 years ago. After multiple hospitilizations, I dropped from 250 to about 180 lbs due to this illness. I have always been an athlete and fought hard to stay healthy but fitness and mindset was not enough so my specialist doctors at a well-respected hospital tried me on every medication known. I've taken MANY substances and none seemed to rid my symptoms like marinol did. I was experimenting with cannabis because it helped me digest. Literally, anytime I took a couple hits, I could eat anything and hold it down. When I told my doctors, they started me on 2.5mg and gradually increased the dosage to 10mg.

Though it was 3 years ago, I can remember taking it for the first time. I thoroughly research substances prior to taking them and when I read about marinol, I was excited to experience the feeling, but nothing happened. It was bleek so I did some more research to find out more. All marinol doses have different chemicals, that is why they are different colors. I found out how to gain the most out of marinol and I either recommend the following:
1) use a push pin and drizzle the liquid in the tablet atop a bowl of cannabis. The taste is distinct (not bad, but very pharmacutical-like)
2) or, what i have found to be best, is to take a large dose (start with 3 and gradually increase dose) one hour before intaking cannabis. This will cause blastoff but be wary, the munchies will screw you over and you will empty your cabinets and refrigerator and wake up the next day with stomach pain from the gluttony that marinol suggests.

The high associated with dronabinol, I would describe as 'wheelchaired' or 'couch-locked'. You will be blazed, but it varies. Sometimes, I would feel as if I could not focus on anything, but other times it was very functional. Since the chemicals are different in the doses, they will give me different feelings.

I suggest bypassing the 2.5mg - they don't seem to have any effect except some food cravings and lightheadedness. The 5mg are great and I would take about 4 of them an hour before smoking to get me feeling 'right' and the 10mg will take you to space if you combine them with cannabis 50-60 minutes after ingestion.

To get the most out of the medication, I need to combine it with cannabis. I take some hefty bong rips after you give the pills time to take effect and you will be right. I have had lots of experience with different forms of THC and they all are great, you just have to know how to experiment correctly. Happy toking!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 25, 2012Views: 18,014
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Pharms - Dronabinol (225) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Benefits (32), Medical Use (47), Multi-Day Experience (13), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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